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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Path to Growth: A Life-Planning Skills Training Manual, for the China Youth Reproductive Health Project

    Path to Growth: A Life-Planning Skills Training Manual, for the China Youth Reproductive Health Project is a handbook developed by PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) and the China Family Planning Association (CFPA) in 2004. The document aims to prepare adolescents with the necessary skills to face various challenges in their Path to Growth and help them make safe, healthy, and responsible decisions in terms of sexuality and reproductive health. The curriculum is designed to meet the needs of adolescents. The purpose of the training is two-fold. …

  2. Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum

    Project GLOW, Health and Life Planning Skills Curriculum is a curriculum document developed in 2008 by PATH (Program for Appropriate Technology in Health), Mercy Corps and the Liangshan Yi For Empowerment (LYFE) Center on Project GLOW (Giving Leadership Opportunities to Young Women) with support from the Nike Foundation. The document is prepared for facilitators so they can equip and empower Yi adolescent girls with the life skills, health, and economic options necessary to cope and move beyond the challenges of urban migration and the growing HIV/AIDS epidemic. …

  3. HIV Preventive Education Information Kit for School Teachers

    The HIV Preventive Education Information Kit for School Teachers is an attempt to provide teachers and teacher trainees with the basic information that they should know when teaching young people about HIV and AIDS. With HIV expanding across Asia, there is an urgent need to equip teachers with the knowledge and skills to play an effective role in HIV preventive education.

  4. EDUCAIDS: overviews of practical resources

    The EDUCAIDS Overviews of Practical Resources provide guidance on the technical and operational aspects of this response. They are intended for technical staff, programme implementers and managers in ministries of education, technical staff in UN and other development cooperation agencies, and civil society partners. The secondary audiences of these Overviews are much broader and include school principals, educators, parents and communities. Each Overview provides an analysis and summary of approximately 20 reviewed and selected resources. …

  5. Joint ILO/WHO guidelines on health services and HIV/AIDS

    The purpose of these guidelines is to promote the sound management of HIV/AIDS in health services, including the prevention of occupational exposure. Furthermore, the purpose is to ensure that health-care workers have decent, safe and healthy working conditions, while ensuring effective care that respects the needs and rights of patients, especially those living with HIV/AIDS. …

  6. Strategic directions for improving the health and development of children and adolescents

    The document summarizes priority areas for WHO action based on global evidence. Improving the health and development of children and adolescents means that WHO will need to shape its implementation of the strategy to the epidemiological needs of specific regions and countries. The strategy document proposes a flexible, country-specific approach that reflects and respects differences in epidemiology. In addition, it outlines a strategic framework that is based on equity, the life course, and a public health approach. It defines principles to guide the implementation. …

  7. HIV subverts national security

    Foreword. The AIDS epidemic is perhaps the most destructive force on the planet today. It has already caused more casualties than all of the armed conflicts in recent decades. It infects and affects families, communities, and organizations in every region of the world. Governments and their militaries are not impervious to its devastation as the HIV epidemic subverts their national security. The majority of the AIDS fatalities are among young adults who are the most productive members of a society; those remaining are often children and the elderly. …

  8. The impacts of mapping assessments on population movement and HIV vulnerability in South East Asia

    From the Foreword. Knowledge-based development is one of the strategies of the UNDP South East Asia HIV and Development (UNDP-SEAHIV) project in its technical assistance to countries. The goal is to strengthen countries' capacity to effectively combat the HIV/ AIDS epidemic. The mapping assessments supported by UNDP-SEAHIV are not an end in themselves. In this context, they were specifically designed for use as advocacy tools to inform decision makers in their continuing efforts to improve national HIV prevention strategies, policies, and programmes. …

  9. A web site at the service of HIV and development: remarks on role, strategy and effectiveness

    Foreword. The South East Asia HIV and Development Project focuses on: i) socio-economic and cultural dynamics between HIV/AIDS and Development, with a particular emphasis on one of the key factors in the spread of the epidemics inside the South East Asian region, i.e. mobility of populations; and, ii) the harnessing of development activities to increase the resilience of communities, households and individuals against the risk of HIV infection. …

  10. People's development: a community governance tool

    From the Foreword. Community governance through developing local people’s potentials and rediscovering indigenous wisdom, knowledge base and other resources provide a solid platform for building a community’s HIV resilience. This approach, based on traditional South-East Asian culture, also equips the rural communities to be competitive in the global economy. As part of the UNDP South East Asia HIV and Development Project’s effort to document good practice, this is one of the series on community models.

  11. UNESCO's strategy for responding to HIV and AIDS

    As the UN specialised agency for education, UNESCO supports lifelong learning that builds and maintains essential skills, competencies, knowledge, behaviours and attitudes. This includes learning in formal educational settings; through non-formal educational activities; and through informal education. …

  12. Quality education and HIV and AIDS

    This paper presents a framework for quality education to show how education systems can and must change in their analysis and conduct in relation to HIV and AIDS. It summarises the 10 dimensions of the framework, considers how HIV and AIDS impact each of these dimensions and summarises some practical applications of how education can and should respond to the pandemic from a quality perspective. The paper was developed for the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education. …

  13. EDUCAIDS: Technical briefs

    The EDUCAIDS Technical Briefs are two-page summaries of key issues related to the five essential components of a comprehensive education sector response to HIV and AIDS: 1) quality education; 2) content, curriculum and learning materials; 3) educator training and support; 4) policy, management and systems; and 5) approaches and illustrative entry points. All of these components need to be in place and working well to ensure optimal success. …

  14. EDUCAIDS: framework for action

    Recognising the vital role of the education sector in national responses to HIV and AIDS, the UNAIDS Committee of Cosponsoring Organizations (CCO) launched EDUCAIDS, the Global Initiative on Education and HIV and AIDS, in March 2004. A UNAIDS initiative led by UNESCO with the collaboration of key stakeholders, EDUCAIDS seeks to promote, develop and support comprehensive education sector responses to HIV and AIDS. …


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