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  1. Good exchange with Ambassador to on bilateral relations, recent political developments, the cabinet formation & areas of potential cooperation between & .

  2. Protests against Poor Services Re-Erupt in ’s

  3. před 46 minutami

    A great article about our volunteer fundraiser and mum of five, Saima Alvi, who recently travelled with us to Mosul, , delivering humanitarian aid. Saima managed to raise a whopping £28,000 to support the displaced people of Iraq. Read her story here:

  4. před 53 minutami
    Odpověď uživateli

    says it's German member Sarah Handelmann was killed in a air operation in Northern in 7 April 2019. PKK stated that Sarah Handelmann came to Northern Iraq in late 2017 after she found out Abdullah Ocalan's "great" ideas.

  5. před 1 hodinou

    MG VIDEO | The administration officials have repeatedly beaten the drums of over . Just as former US President George did over .

  6. před 1 hodinou

    Friday is a Dolma Day in par excelkance....!

  7. před 2 hodinami

    As a matter of precaution, Iran allies were all on alter yesterday, including , and .

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  8. před 2 hodinami

    Via a formal letter, The `s Kataib Hizbollah Militia threatening Osama Al-Nujaifi as well as his brother "Atheel" w/ their families, if they made any statements vs. Iran/its proxies again, al-Nuaifi was the head of Iraqi Parliament, current head of al-Qarrar al-Iraqi Bloc.

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  9. před 2 hodinami

    An interesting pistol for sale in . It is a 1905 Steyr model, of which only 11,000 were produced and the Argentine army purchased 10,000 of them. The barrel was cut down and the seller claims it is chambered in its original 7.63 Mannlicher caliber.

  10. před 3 hodinami

    Eurofighter Typhoon FGR4 (ZK345) from Akrtotiri on route to make an airstrike on positions in

  11. před 3 hodinami

    Operation Shader RAF Eurofighter Typhoon ZK345 departed Akrotiri / mission

  12. před 4 hodinami
  13. před 4 hodinami

    The mist clears ! Any war on will be at behest of Zionist jews...like war on . 'What is ’s motivation to be provocative with ?’ asks– and the answer is # ' 'There seems a very obvious answer to this question. Sheldon and Miriam Adelson.

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  14. před 4 hodinami

    Dr. Saif al Badr (right) of the Iraqi ministry of health explains the dangers health workers frequently face in : verbal abuse, threats and violence. 10-20,000 doctors have left the country since 2003 and more than 3,000 killed, he says.

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  15. před 4 hodinami

    US Army RC-12R Huron 95-0090 Task Force Odin SPORT20 tracking over

  16. před 6 hodinami

    Claims of where the US was are irrelevant - it wasn't shot down off America's coast. It was shot down off Iran's coast. The US is hostile toward in a region laid waste by the US - from on Iran's western borders to on its eastern borders.

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  17. před 8 hodinami

    : The "democracy" is nothing but piracy & kleptocracy: Looting , looting , looting , looting , looting & the . I loot, I'm American. I steal, I'm American. I rob, I'm American. I'm a thug, I'm American.

  18. před 11 hodinami

    if you dont believe you can search where they are from ! look at their id cars birth place ! they are from fucking IRAQ ! they are from fucking in still if you dont believe i can list them under here !

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