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Executive Board Documents
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Executive Board Documents

  • Archive Group

The Archive Group includes the documents of all Executive Boards from 1946 onwards.For every session of the EXB, the following kinds of documents exist:EX - Main series: These documents are published on white paper in six working languages of the ...

UNESCO. Executive Board

15th Executive Board session, Paris

Documents of the 15th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris.President of the session: Dr Caracciolo PARRA-PEREZ (Venezuela)*.He substitued for this session the titular president Sir Sarvepalli RADHAKRISHAN (India).

146th Executive Board session, Paris/Fez

Documents of the 146th Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Fez (Second part).President of the session: Ms Attiya INAYATULLAH (Pakistan).

122nd Executive Board session, Paris/Sofia

Documents of the 122nd Executive Board session of UNESCO taking place in Paris (First part), then in Sofia (Second part).President of the session: Mr. Patrick K. SEDDOH (Ghana).

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