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Preparatory Commission of UNESCO
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Consultative Committee of Representatives of International Organizations - Relief Appeal Sub-Committee

Subseries consists of documents issued by the Preparatory Commission's Consultative Committee of Representatives of International Organizations - Relief Appeal Sub-Committee. It also includes a record of the Sub-Committee's meeting held...

Press Conference

Subseries consists of one document with a transcribed speech from a Preparatory Commission press conference held 18 October 1946. The speech was made by M. Montagnier, Head Counsellor in charge of the First Session of the General Conference and th...

Unesco Bulletin

Subseries consists of bulletins issued by the Preparatory Commission to inform a general public of news on the Organization's activities. The bulletins are arranged in chronological order based on their issue number.

Press releases

Subseries consists of press releases issued by the Preparatory Commission. They have the code Press/ or Prep.Com./Pub.Inf./Press. There are also documents with no code. The subseries is arranged in order of the document code.

Staff circulars

Subseries consists of Staff circulars issued by the Preparatory Commission. The circulars were directed at staff to keep them informed of general administrative matters, such as, for example, the working hours or the transfer of the staff to Paris.

Circular letters

Subseries consists of Circular letters issued by the Preparatory Commission. The letters have the document code CL/. The subseries is arranged in order of the document code.

Budget Committee documents

Sub-series consists of documents issued by the Preparatory Commission's Budget Committee. The documents have the code Prep.Com./Budget Com./. Some documents do not have a code. The subseries is arranged in order of the document code.

Finance Sub-Committee documents and meetings

Sub-series consists of documents issued by the Preparatory Commission's Finance Sub-Committee, as well as the records of its meetings. The documents and meeting records have the code Prep.Com./Finance Sub-Com./ or Prep.Com./Finance Sub-Cttee...

UNRRA - Unesco Sub-Committee documents and meetings

Subseries consists of documents issued by the Preparatory Commission's UNRRA and Unesco Sub-Committee, as well as the summary record of the Sub-Committee meeting held 25 March 1946. The documents and meeting record have the code Prep.Com./Te...

Fine Arts Committee Documents

Subseries consists of documents issued by the Preparatory Commission's Fine Arts Committee. The documents and meeting records have the document code Prep.Com./ Fine Arts Com./. The subseries is arranged in order of the code.

Committee on Education Documents and Meetings

Subseries consists of documents issued by the Preparatory Commission's Committee on Education and the records of the Committee's meetings. The documents have the code Prep.Com./Educ.Com. and are arranged by code, with the documents befo...

Plenary Meetings

Subseries consists of verbatim and summary records of the Plenary Meetings of the Preparatory Commission from the first to sixth session. The documents have codes (Prep.Com./SR, Prep.Com./VR, or similar but with the session number included) and a...

Executive Committee Documents

Subseries consists of official documents issued by or relating to the Executive Committee of the Preparatory Commission. The documents were issued with the code Prep.Com./Exec.Com./ and a sequential number. The subseries is arranged in this nume...

Prep.Com. Documents

Subseries consists of 71 documents (excluding any revisions and addenda) which were issued under the general code Prep.Com. The subseries is arranged in numeric order based on the codes.

Preparatory Commission of UNESCO

  • Archive Group
  • 1945-1947

The archives of the Commission can be divided into two main parts: Official Documents and correspondence files.It should be noted that documents and copies of documents were often put into the files. In some cases there is no printed document, or,...

Preparatory Commission of UNESCO

Preparatory Commission of UNESCO fonds

Fonds consists of official documents and correspondence files produced by the Preparatory Commission in the course of its activities. The fonds is arranged into two series: Documents and Correspondence files.

Preparatory Commission of UNESCO