Documents of the Director General
- Series
- Since 1946
Part of Secretariat Documents
All official UNESCO Documents produced by the Director General of UNESCO.
Director General of UNESCO
Documents of the Director General
Part of Secretariat Documents
All official UNESCO Documents produced by the Director General of UNESCO.
Director General of UNESCO
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of the correspondence files of the OIM. It is arranged into thirteen sub-series, organized according to the original alpha-numeric classification system.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of documentation files with newspaper clippings, typed speeches and other printed or published material gathered by the Comité to document a subject. The series does however extend to 1939, after the Comité was officially dissolve...
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of correspondence files arranged into thirteen subseries. The original order and numbering scheme were maintained.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of official documents of the IICI, the International Museums Office and the International Committee on Intellectual Cooperation. The original order has been maintained; documents are organized roughly in alpha-numeric order or in ...
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of the correspondence files of the IICI. They are arranged in their original order according to an alpha-numeric classification scheme.
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of IICI account books and financial registers arranged into thirty-six volumes.
Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment files
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files transferred directly from the Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment (SHS/ENV) and its successor the Division of Population and Human Settlements (SHS/POP). Files cover programme activities on r...
UNESCO. Division for Human Settlements and the Socio-Cultural Environment
Instruments signed with Member States
Part of Secretariat Records
Series primarily consists of legal instruments signed between UNESCO and member states, including state agencies and corporations. Instruments include co-operation agreements, host-country agreements, funds-in-trust agreements and plans of operat...
Part of UNESCO Publications
UNESCO Collection of Representative Works (or UNESCO Catalogue of Representative Works) was a UNESCO translation project that was active for about 57 years, from 1948 to about 2005. The projects purpose was to translate masterpieces of world liter...
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files from the Population Division (SHS/POP) and the Division of Population and Human Settlements (SHS/POP). The files mostly pertain to programme activities in the fields of urbanization, architecture, family planning and popu...
UNESCO. Population Division
Division of Human Rights and Peace Files
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of the files of the SHS Division of Human Rights and Peace (HRS) as well as some files from its successor unit. The files date from the creation of HRS to the mid-1990s. The files cover programme activities such as the production...
UNESCO. Division of Human Rights and Peace
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Mission reports and memoranda destined for the Cabinet or the Director-General were centralized in the Cabinet of the Director-General. The series consists of reports and memoranda for the years 1984-1986. Other years are missing.
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The Publications service of the IBI was responsible for the production and distribution of the Organization's periodicals, such as, for example, Agora, IBI Press and the IBI Newsletter. The service was also responsible for the official docum...
Part of Audiovisual archives
The aim of UNESCO radio was to contribute to the understanding of the ideals that the Organization stands for, through discussion of issues in the field of education, science, culture and communication. Around fifteen 30-minute feature programmes ...
Part of Audiovisual archives
The sound records contain mostly sound recordings of conferences and other events, speeches of the Director General and other important persons, but also music recordings, interviews and the UNESCO radio programs.
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Subseries consists of outgoing mail as registered by the Secretariat of the Director General. The series is incomplete. Files prior to 1985 are missing except for one dating from 1983. There are small gaps in files from the beginning of 1985; h...
Part of Secretariat Documents
Circular letters (CL) signed by the Director-General are addressed to the Governments of Member States or National Commissions for UNESCO in the course of official business. For example, they are used to inform the Governments, to solicit informat...
Part of Secretariat Documents
Instructions of a temporary nature, or which are subject to frequent change, are conveyed to the Secretariat by Administrative Circulars.Depending on the area regulated and the issuing authority, there are two types of Administrative Circular:1. A...
Part of Secretariat Documents
The rules on what is to be considered as a Main documents have changed throughout UNESCO’s existence. According to the definition giving in the UNESCO Manual, Secretariat handbook on administrative methods and precedures, main documents are:Main s...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Subseries consists of original correspondence between IBI management and both internal and external correspondents. Correspondence prior to 1982 is missing. After 1982, the files appear to be complete up until 29 March 1988.
Consultative Scientific Committee
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The Consultative Scientific Committee was created by a decision at the 13th Session of the General Assembly of the IBI as part of a larger initiative of reflection on the Organization, its present situation and its future prospects. The Scientifi...
Consultative Programme and Budget Committee
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The Consultative Programme and Budget Committee was created by the 53rd Session of the IBI Executive Council. It held its first meetings on 27-28 February 1986 in Rome. The purpose of the Committee was to analyze proposals for programme activiti...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Correspondances avec les organisations et pays membres et non membres de l'IBI
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Les correspondances du comité de liquidation concernent avant tout les modalités de règlement financier des employés licenciés et du matériel de l'IBI. Une part importante de la correspondance est faite avec le gouvernement italien d'une...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The IBI Executive Council met for 57 ordinary sessions and 4 extraordinary sessions. The series consists of an incomplete set of files on the sessions, containing the Council's decision and reports on the programme activities and finances of...
Part of Secretariat Records
281.32 linear metres of textual records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files related to the 1995 and 1996 UNESCO Peace Games. Documents date from the early conception and development of the games, and include research related to youth and the theme of peace; correspondence related to potential spon...
UNESCO Peace Games
Notes personnelles du Secrétaire général, Mr. G.S. Métraux
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of typed or mimeographed manuscripts that, for the most part, have no annotations. They are arranged in order of volume and chapters.
Part of Secretariat Records
Photos and copies of documents
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Journal of World History maps and illustrations and consultants files
Part of Secretariat Records
Implementation of the scheme files
Part of Secretariat Records
Personnel, budget, statutes, contracts files
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
The series contains documents on the liquidation of the Institute, mainly from 1946-1947. It includes the agreement between UNESCO and the IIIC, financial documents, as well as general correspondence. The files are in alpha-numeric order.
Relations with Non-Governmental Organizations
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) with whom UNESCO maintains or maintained official relations. It reflects the process of admission to categories of official relations as well as the ongoing activities undertaken i...
UNESCO. Section for Non-Governmental Organizations
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Executive Council session transcriptions
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Series consists of an incomplete set of transcripts and audio-recordings from the sessions of the Executive Council. Of the 57 ordinary sessions and 4 extraordinary sessions, there are only records from 29 sessions in this series.
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The Reflection Committee was established by a decision of the IBI Executive Council during its 54th session in April 1986. The Committee's purpose was to evaluate the present situation of the Organization and to reflect on future orientation...
Committee for the Revision of the IBI Convention
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The Committee for the Revision of the IBI Convention (REVCO) was an ad hoc committee of the IBI General Assembly. The Committee was convoked when a new revision of the Convention was being discussed. The subseries in particular contains example...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The series contains an incomplete set of transcriptions of debates from the sessions of the General Assembly. Only a few sessions have transcriptions.
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The General Assembly met for 13 ordinary sessions and 6 extraordinary sessions. The documents include information on: decisions made at each session; financial reports; and, reports on the activities and budget of the Organization. Records from ...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The External Relations service in the Cabinet of the Director-General was responsible for maintaining relations with member countries, non-member countries and organizations operating in the field of informatics (with or without formal cooperation...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The series consists mostly of summaries of the decisions taken and agendas for the meetings of the General Assembly and Executive Board. Although the material partly duplicates information found elsewhere, the series was retained to compensate fo...
Dossiers professionnels et personnels divers
Cette série contient des documents extrêmement divers, pouvant être relatifs aussi bien à des activités officielles auprès de l'UNESCO qu'à des activités exercées à l'extérieur. Elle est constituée des trois sous-séries suivantes :D...
La France au sein de l’UNESCO et la Francophonie
Cette série contient des documents relatifs à l'action, à la place, et aux représentants de la France à l'UNESCO, ainsi que des documents relatifs à la francophonie, notamment dans le cadre de l'UNESCO et des organisations auxquelle...
Retrait américain et crise de l’UNESCO
Cette série contient des documents de l'UNESCO, des coupures de presse et des correspondances autour de la crise de l'UNESCO. Elle est constituée des deux sous-séries suivantes :Commentaires et réactions officiels dont coupures de presse...
Communication et information – PIDC et NOMIC
Cette série contient des documents relatifs au PIDC (Programme International pour le Développement de la Communication), au NOMIC (Nouvel Ordre Mondiale de l'Information et de la Communication), et à la communication de manière générale. Elle...
Documents de travail en tant que Délégué permanent de la France auprès de l’UNESCO
Cette série contient des documents de travail de Jacqueline Baudrier, au sein de l'UNESCO, et des documents généraux sur l'UNESCO et ses activités. Elle est constituée des deux sous-séries suivantes :Conférences générales, Conseils exéc...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
The IBI Documentation Centre maintained a library of material related to informatics or information technologies. The material was organized according to thematic groupings which were assigned a classification code. The series has three subserie...
Part of Archives and Documentation of International Organizations
Series consists of correspondence exchanged between the Department and member states and different organizations.
Donations, bequests and legacies
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of legal instruments or other documents generated when UNESCO received a donation of property. It does not include instruments related to gifts of art (with the exception of photograph C/9) or smaller regular donations of books, o...
Instruments signed with organizations, companies and private individuals
Part of Secretariat Records
The series consists of legal instruments signed between UNESCO and non-governmental organizations, universities, foundations, private companies, or individuals. The series includes state universities and academies, but not research institutes wit...
Part of Preparatory Commission of UNESCO
Preparatory Commission Documents
Part of Preparatory Commission of UNESCO
Series consists of official Preparatory Commission documents issued under codes corresponding to the creating committee or sub-committee.
Series consists of correspondence files from the CAME Secretariat which was based at the British Council. The series is arranged into two subseries: CAME Secretariat files (with a British Council filing scheme) and CAME Science Commission files (...
Part of International Institute of Intellectual Co-operation
Series consists of publications (periodicals, volumes, and series or collections) that IICI issued during its existence.
Director/ADG CAB chronological files
Part of Secretariat Records
Files consists of outgoing letters, notes and memoranda signed by the Director or Assistant-Director General of the Office of the Director-General.
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of out-going letters, memoranda, telexes and telegrammes signed by the Director-General. They are roughly in chronological order with some later files also being organized by Sector or Department.
Part of Secretariat Records
Alphabetical correspondence files
Part of Secretariat Records
Executive Board private meeting files
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files of the ODG generated from the Private Meetings of the Executive Board. Senior posts are discussed at such meetings, including matters such as nominations, appointments, extensions of contracts, salaries, and the structure...
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of files on departments and sectors of UNESCO as created during the tenure of Directors-General Maheu and Matsuura. Files primarily contain memoranda exchanged between the Director-General and the Assistant Director-General or Dir...
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of fellowship files created by the Division of Training Abroad. It is arranged roughly in chronological order. Files contain applications to the programme and administrative correspondence. They are often very slight (3-5 docume...
Records of Deputy Director-General Michel de Bonnecorse
Part of Secretariat Records
Biographical files of staff members, experts, consultants, delegates etc. These biographical information do not claim to be complete in any way. They are more an arbitrary collection, updated on an irregular basis, which might be useful as additio...
Most of the bibliographies were established between 1960 and 1980 and are therefore neither complete nor up-to-date, but might still aid researchers as a starting point for older material.
Records of Deputy Director-General M.S. Adiseshiah
Part of Secretariat Records
The series contain mostly copies of letters, memos, cables, mission reports signed by Adiseshiah or his Executive Assistants, as well as speeches and addresses delivered by him. Most items are of official character, however some are semi-official...
Adiseshiah, Malcolm S.
Records of Deputy Director-General Adnan Badran
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Eduardo Portella
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General C.L. Sharma
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Sylvain Lourie
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Gerard Bolla
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General John E. Fobes
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General F. Mayor
Part of Secretariat Records
Records of Deputy Director-General Jean Knapp
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of ODG files on the Hammarskjold Commission - an independent body commissioned to advise the Director-General on ways and means of improving staff efficiency and management in the UNESCO Secretariat. The files are in original order.
Part of Secretariat Records
Series consists of subject files of the Director-General on diverse matters. The first transfer dates from the tenure of René Maheu, however, records in some files date from before this time. Each transfer is arranged in rough alphabetical order...
Direction générale meeting files
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Executive Board private meeting summary records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Executive Board Committee on Conventions and Recommendations files
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records
Part of Secretariat Records