Rethinking capacity development

In order to analyze the complexities related to capacity development, IIEP undertook a wide range of studies, including detailed country analyses, short reports, thematic papers and case-studies.

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Analysis of capacity development in educational planning and management in Ethiopia
Many initiatives in Ethiopia in recent years have aimed to strengthen the capacities of education..
7.00 €
Donors and capacity development in Guyana and Bangladesh
Development agencies' concerns about aid effectiveness are being increasingly linked to aid-recip..
7.00 €
Institucionalidad de los Ministerios de Educacion: Los procesos de reforma educativa de Chile y la Argentina en los anos 90
?Desarrollo de institucionalidad para lograr las metas de Educación para Todos?, IIPE-UNESCO sed..
10.00 €
Learning purposefully in capacity development: why, what and when to measure?
Monitoring and evaluation of capacity development faces a fundamental dilemma. On the one hand, c..
The role and impact of NGOs in capacity development: from replacing the state to reinvigorating education
As development actors, NGOs have become key service providers in countries where the government i..
Capacity development in education planning and management in fragile states
Is capacity development in fragile states feasible? Is it possible for outsiders to help turn aro..
7.00 €
An analysis of the status of educational planners
Capacity development of educational planners and managers should not only consist of training act..
7.00 €
Without capacity, there is no development
Capacity development is a very complex endeavour: the constraints are not related simply to lack ..
7.00 €
Incentive structures as a capacity development strategy in public service delivery
Incentive structures play a crucial role when it comes to capacity development by motivating indi..
7.00 €
Capacity development in educational planning and management: learning from successes and failures
Some twenty international experts in capacity development (CD) in education met at IIEP for two d..
7.00 €