Equality of education for targeted groups

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Education for rural people in Africa
The majority of the world's population is rural. Sub-Saharan Africa has a particularly large prop..
7.00 €
Les programmes d'alimentation scolaire: définition, mise en oeuvre, impact
Manger à sa faim permet-il de mieux apprendre ses leçons? Comment encourager des parents pauvre..
Non-formal education and basic education reform: a conceptual review
Within the context of Education for All, non-formal education is acquiring increased significance..
7.00 €
Guidebook for planning education in emergencies and reconstruction (Second edition, CD ROM only)
When serious crisis or conflict hits a country, schools are often abandoned or reduced to rubble...
10.00 €
Reforming higher agricultural education institutions: the case of the School of Agriculture at Monterrey Tech (ITESM)
Over the past two decades, the School of Agriculture at the Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios ..
7.00 €
Scolarisation des filles : la réussite de Sinendé au Bénin
Cet ouvrage s'attache à présenter le projet Education et Communauté "Educom" mis en oeuvre au ..
7.00 €
Islands of education: schooling, civil war and the Southern Sudanese (1983-2004)
Victims of warfare, famine, slavery, and isolation, the Southern Sudanese are one of the most und..
10.00 €
Higher education for rural development: the experience of the University of Cordoba
This study describes the successful reform of the University of Cordoba (Spain) to face the radic..
7.00 €
Parallel worlds: rebuilding the education system in Kosovo
In spring 1999, after a short but bloody civil war, hundreds of thousands of refugees were repatr..
7.00 €
The out-of-school children's programme in Nepal: an analysis
The book gives and account of the Nepalese government's efforts to develop a non-formal education..
7.00 €
The deep change process in Zamorano: 1997-2002
Most institutions of higher education need to undergo self-directed and deep change; but few do i..
7.00 €
The reform of higher agricultural education institutions in China
Over the past 50 years, Chinese higher agricultural education institutions have been producing hi..
7.00 €
Co-ordinating education during emergencies and reconstruction: challenges and responsibilities
While co-ordination is essentially a method of getting institutions to work together, it is clear..
7.00 €