On 16 May 2018, UNESCO celebrated the first International Day of Light in the presence of renowned scientist, researchers and intellectuals to discuss the central role that light plays in our daily lives and how it enables innovation in the areas of science, culture, education and many other cross-cutting fields to advance sustainable development.
Representatives of the "Profra. Obdulia Zamora Martínez", a Primary school located in Monterrey, Nuevo León in Mexico, a UNESCO Associated school, had the honor to be on the podium of the Inauguration Ceremony. Teacher Ms María Guadalupe Ramirez Reyes and her 11-year-old student Angel Zacarías Emir Méndez, carried in their luggage to Paris a distinctive experience to share with UNESCO and the world.
The Lights of Monterrey Mural illuminates the school library
Ms Ramirez Reyes and Angel Emir presented their project, which resulted in the mural called "The Lights of Monterrey". They both transmitted the enthusiasm of teachers, students and the families involved in this fantastic and fun educational experience and how they were carried by the magic of science and art. They discovered the dimensions of light and learnt so many fascinating things. They worked with Physicists to do experiments with Newton discs, which they had produced themselves, with light bulbs and with fluorescent and phosphorescent materials and paint. Also, they learned with well-known artists how to draw and paint.

"I believe that what they learned during this project will be with them forever and will help them in their future education and life," said María Guadalupe to the attentive audience in UNESCO's main conference hall.
The different artistic drawings were selected and combined to brand a mural that integrates light effects on the drawings, which represent the local natural and cultural heritage – the school community is really proud of its artwork.
"The locations, points and phosphorescent lights shine so bright that they truly look like the lights from our city" said Angel Emir. He also proudly added: "All the children and students of our school are represented as small lights that we added with fluorescent paint and all of us are the lights that can be seen from the hills of Monterey at night"…
Light through art and science to drive creativity
The "Profra. Obdulia Zamora Martínez" Primary school participated in a national project: A todas luces, diálogo de saberes entre ciencia y arte a dialogue - {In all lights: a dialogue of knowledge between science and art} where students and teachers from elementary/primary schools of the UNESCO Associated Schools Network in six Mexican States have been mobilized around the universe of light. In collaboration with experts and scholars of science and art, the participating students discovered phenomena of luminescence, fluorescence, addition and subtraction of colors, reflection and refraction of light, optical illusions, and basic and general aspects of light and energy.

The development of the experiences in the ASPnet participating schools was through playful educational and artistic activities focused on education for sustainable development.
The project was implemented in 2016 - 2017 by the Mexican National Commission for UNESCO, the National Association of Plastic Artists ARTAC and the Museo de la Luz-UNAM under the funds of the UNESCO's Participation Programme funds.
UNESCO Associated Schools worldwide celebrate the first International Day of Light
All UNESCO Associated Schools around the world have been invited to engage their teachers, students and wider school community to celebrate this historical day, to connect with the IDL partners, universities, non-profit associations and NGOs to organize activities and discover the wonders of light in their classrooms and/or in their communities.
Find all the information related to the International Day of Light: