Download our 10th Medium-Term Strategy
Strengthening the capacity of countries to plan and manage their education systems has always been IIEP’s mission. During this 10th Medium-Term Strategy (MTS), for the period 2018–2021, IIEP will further pursue this role of assisting UNESCO Member States in achieving their educational goals in the context of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the new Education 2030 agenda.
Suzanne Grant Lewis, Director of IIEP-UNESCO
Two strategic objectives
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Five thematic priorities
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Ensuring a better future for all
‘Planning for a better future in the world as it is today,’ might be the motto for educational planners around the world, and for IIEP in particular. More than a simple technical and mechanical process, educational planning is, of necessity, both visionary and pragmatic, building the best way forward amid real-world limitations of the here and now, with an eye on what may lie ahead.
All things educational have a planning and management dimension, which allows the transition from ambition to reality. Since its inception over a half-century ago, IIEP has stayed at the forefront of innovations in educational planning, as the conception of planning has evolved from a centralized, one-time, rigid exercise, to a multi-centred, open, continuing process. While preserving a focus on core techniques of quantifying needs and budgeting resources over time, the Institute has developed wider policy and management dimensions, as well as a participatory approach.
IIEP’s vision is grounded in the shared understanding that education is a basic human right and a global common good. No child, youth, or adult should be excluded from learning opportunities that will allow her or him to live decently, to access and exercise their rights, and to contribute to civic life. IIEP envisages a world in which all young people benefit from quality learning opportunities for sustainable development and peace. Deeply aware of the interconnectedness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), IIEP will direct its interventions at country level using a ‘whole-of-government’ approach to make sure its own work in education contributes to cross-sectoral integrated policy and planning.
Education 2030
Education 2030 agenda represents a shift in focus, from basic education to lifelong learning, from an emphasis on schooling to a more inclusive focus on learning. This shift has several important implications for how countries plan and manage their education systems.
What role will IIEP play in meeting this ambitious agenda? And what importance do educational planning and management have in today’s world? This broader vision of Education 2030 looks at the education system as a whole, covering all levels of education, as well as formal and non-formal delivery mechanisms. It emphasizes quality lifelong learning opportunities for all, with a view to the acquisition of essential knowledge and skills. This implies a need for sector-wide policies and plans, with attention to the balance and links between sub-sectors. Such a lofty vision will need to be supported by advice on planning and management.
IIEP sees its role in this regard as helping Member States to translate these principles into policies and plans and successfully implement them. Specifically, it will offer assistance with integrating the SDG 4 agenda into credible national policies and plans, identifying and analysing relevant data, strengthening coordination among a wide range of partners, creatively adapting tools, and updating M&E practices.
Planning for the long-term
IIEP’s 10th MTS signals an exciting strategic direction. It goes beyond a focus on designing education sector plans, to supporting a more sophisticated approach that also includes implementation plans, considerations of cost and financing and monitoring and evaluation (M&E), ongoing plan refinement, organizational and management choices, and the strengthening of national education planning training centres.
The Institute is committed to helping Member States realize their educational goals for both current and future generations. If the world seems to be changing at an ever-faster rate, IIEP changes with it – while staying true to its foundational principles. It is IIEP’s hope that, with its support, countries will continue to succeed in planning for a better future, with inclusive and equitable educational opportunities for all.
Measuring results
Over the past four years, we have made considerable progress in measuring our results. In our new MTS, the new Results Framework encompasses a wider set of indicators to be tracked. Together, with more ambitious monitoring and evaluation, this new Results Framework is further proof of IIEP’s commitment to being held accountable for its results. Discover our Strategy to learn more.
We are delighted to have Elyx, by the artist Yacine Ait Kaci –“YAK” – illustrate our five thematic priorities. See more on Elyx |