If policies and plans are to improve learning outcomes, education policy-makers and planners need to understand the factors that influence learning and they need access to context-relevant knowledge.
Thanks to its considerable experience in planning and monitoring educational quality, including its 20-year engagement with Southern and Eastern Africa consortium for Monitoring Educational quality, IIEP is well positioned to help countries in making the policy link. Going forward, IIEP will provide policy-makers and planners with new and synthesized analyses of factors and strategies for improving learning outcomes. The institute will also work with ministries in charge of education to develop their capacity to interpret national learning data and develop policies and plans to improve learning based on this data.
(source : Quality Education for the World We Want - GEFI)
The learning needs of youth
It is imperative that greater attention be given to post-basic education learning needs. To assist countries in strengthening policies and programmes which facilitate youth transition to the world of work, IIEP will set up observatories to keep policy-makers and planners informed on both the labour market and the educational response side. The Institute will gather research and data to help ministries in charge of education identify and deliver the knowledge, skills and competencies youth need for effective integration into the labour market.
Teacher quality and careers
Teachers are a core resource for improving learning at all ages. The de-professionalization of the teaching corps represents a serious threat to the quality of education. Appropriate policies and management of teachers’ careers and work are critical in supporting quality teaching and learning, improving teacher retention and addressing numerous causes of teacher scarcity. There are, of course, no ‘quick fixes’; available research points to the need for a holistic and context-specific approach to improvement measures and for assessing the costs and other long-term implications. IIEP will conduct analyses of these issues to support policy formulation and sector analyses, and develop improved diagnostic and simulation tools with special focus on teachers’ careers and working conditions.