

UN Youth Envoy stresses need to invest in young people

Ahead of the first annual World Youth Skills Day, Ahmad Alhendawi talks to the UN News Centre about the importance of investing in youth and ensuring their access to decent jobs.


Motivating for Skills Development: A Campaign Package

The Skills Development Package “Learning and Working” is now available for download in English and French.

This resource kit developed by UNESCO-UNEVOC aims to help facilitate the organization and implementation of awareness and motivation campaigns for marginalized groups in least developed countries.

The idea behind this tool is to produce an environment to motivate people living in adverse economic conditions to enrol in technical and vocational education and training courses and take up self-employment activities in order to improve their economic situation.

The backbone of the Skills Development Package “Learning and Working” is a set of short films. These are complemented by a series of documents that support the activities presented in the films: an Overview, a Campaign Flyer, Information for Stakeholders, a Facilitator Guide and an Activity Checklist. The Package is in itself not a tool for skills development, but rather an ‘eye opener’ and ‘discussion starter’. It is anticipated that targeted groups will be encouraged to engage in tasks similar to those shown in the films.

Access the set of short films and booklets