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Integrating conflict and disaster risk reduction into education sector planning: guidance notes for educational planners

These Guidance Notes put forward strategies on how to mainstream conflict and disaster risk reduction measures in the education sector planning process. They are intended for Ministry of Education officials, especially in planning departments at central level, but are also useful for other education actors that support ministries in the planning process. Each chapter presents one of the typical phases of the planning cycle, with information on how to adapt each of the phases to integrate C/DRR measures into an education sector plan. Chapter 1 provides a brief presentation of the planning process and the impacts of conflict and disasters on education. Chapter 2 looks at how to integrate C/DRR measures into an Education Sector Diagnosis. Chapter 3 addresses the planning phase related to policy formulation and the selection of key plan objectives and priority areas. Chapter 4 discusses strategies for monitoring and evaluating C/DRR measures. Chapter 5 stresses the importance of fully costing all initiatives related to conflict and disaster risk reduction, in order to operationalize C/DRR interventions and identify funding gaps. The Guidance Notes conclude with an overview of key steps and questions to bear in mind while undertaking an education sector planning process through a C/DRR lens.

Integrating conflict and disaster risk reduction into education sector planning: guidance notes for educational planners

Publishing year
113 p.

Intégrer la réduction des risques de conflits et de catastrophes dans la planification du secteur de l'éducation: notes d'orientation pour les planificateurs de l'éducation

Publishing year
122 p.