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Thematic mapping: a selection of tools and resources for planning in fragile and conflict-affected contexts: a complement to the Guidelines for transitional education plan preparation

The Thematic Mapping is a useful list of tools and resources for education planning in fragile and conflict-affected contexts. The document was produced by GPE and IIEP, and is meant to be updated regularly when new resources become available.

Thematic mapping: a selection of tools and resources for planning in fragile and conflict-affected contexts: a complement to the Guidelines for transitional education plan preparation

Washington, D.C., GPE; Paris, UNESCO-IIEP
Publishing year
21 p.

Répertoire thématique: une sélection d'outils et de ressources pour la planification dans les contextes fragiles et touchés par des conflits: complément au Guide pour la préparation d'un Plan de transition de l'éducation

Washington, D.C., GPE; Paris, UNESCO-IIPE
Publishing year
23 p.