
Register for a free MOOC on mainstreaming early childhood education into education sector plans, and help give all children the best start in life.
Professionals from ministries of education and their partners can register for a new Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on mainstreaming early childhood education (ECE) into education sector planning. The MOOC, offered in English, will run over five weeks from 28 October to 29 November 2019, preceded by an introduction starting on 23 October.
Co-organized by UNESCO, UNICEF, and the Global Partnership for Education and hosted on the IIEP-UNESCO Virtual Campus, the MOOC is for professionals from countries that want to improve early learning and achieve better education outcomes. The course will demonstrate how to strengthen ECE by ensuring that it is a core component of education sector planning.
Around the world, at least 175 million children do not have access to pre-primary education. In low-income countries, this means only 1 in 5 children is enrolled.
The benefits of early childhood development are widely acknowledged and are key to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. Yet, at least 175 million children are not enrolled in pre-primary education. In low-income countries, this means only 1 in 5 children is enrolled.
Top experts will introduce participants to fundamental concepts and key planning tools and processes needed to integrate pre-primary policies in national education sector plans. Participants will also learn how to analyse the current state of ECE in their country, how to develop ECE policies and programmes, how to cost and finance them, and how to support their implementation with support of an education sector plan.
Meet Maya and learn about our upcoming MOOC!
Register for this free MOOC: at.iiep.unesco.org/ECEMOOC