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Comprehensive school safety: working towards a global framework for climate-smart disaster risk reduction, bridging development and humanitarian action in the education sector

This framework is aimed to bring child-centered and evidence-based efforts to promote disaster risk reduction throughout the education sector and to assure universal access to quality education, into a clear and unified focus in order for education sector partners to work more effectively, as well as to link with similar efforts in all other sectors. It rests on three pillars: (i) safe school facilities; (ii) school disaster management, and (iii) risk reduction education; and is addressed by education policy and practices aligned with disaster management at national, regional, district and local school site levels.
The framework includes the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA)'s strategic goals, priorities for action and indicators for the education sector. It also presents the gaps and priorities in achieving comprehensive school safety and requiring international leadership for development of normative standards and practices that were identified from research and advocacy efforts: (i) global leadership; (ii) safe school facilities; (iii) school disaster management and (iv) risk reduction education.