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Safety, resilience and social cohesion: guidance for education sector planners and curriculum developers

The project  teamThis programme is a collaboration between the Protect Education in Insecurity and Conflict (PEIC) Programme, and UNESCO’s International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP) and International Bureau of Education (IBE). This collaboration and the overall framework build on the efforts and momentum of a wide range of stakeholders including the INEE Working Group on Education and Fragility (WGEF). Click here for the complete list of our partners in this field
The overall purpose of the programme is to strengthen education systems to better withstand shocks from disasters, insecurity or conflicts should they occur, and to help prevent such problems. The aim of this programme therefore is to support Ministries of Education (MoEs), at central, provincial and district levels, to promote education systems that are safe, resilient and encourage social cohesion within education sector policies, plans and curricula. As recognized by the Education Cannot Wait campaign (which is within the UN Secretary General’s Education First Initiative): No matter where a country is in its planning cycle there are opportunities to determine its priorities for conflict and disaster risk reduction and to integrate them into annual or sector plans.