What We Do
Capacity Development
We commit to developing the capacity of Member States to increase the supply of qualified teachers at three levels: policy, institutions and teachers. Through teacher education content development and teacher training, we enhance local capacity to address cross-cutting and critical issues towards equity and inclusive quality education.
Capacity development is implemented through technical assistance, standard-setting and research. At country level, we provide technical assistance through tailored programs to meet countries’ specific needs. At regional level, we facilitate standard-setting trainings to Regional Economic Communities and the African Union Commission (AUC) for regional integration and harmonization. At the continental level, our research on teacher issues supports policy makers and educators with guidelines, which also build the foundation of our technical assistance and standard-setting trainings.
Partnerships and Advocacy
We work in partnership with governments, international and bilateral organizations, NGOs and the private sector to combine expertise, promote local ownership and responsibility, and increase sustainability, experience sharing and impact. We also champion educational issues and interventions to spread information and knowledge on cross-cutting and critical issues in order to foster dialogue on teachers and education.
Research and Development
We produce quality research for evidenced-based policy formulation and methodological support to policy makers. It improves foresight in the area of teacher policy and development, contributing to the achievement of SDG 4 and CESA 16 -25. We strive to make our publications available in two or more languages and to develop a free online learning platform in order to widen the reach of knowledge.