#MuseumWeek 2018: Join the conversation!
#Unite4Heritage is pleased to announce its collaboration with Culture for Causes Network for the co-organization of the worldwide event, #MuseumWeek.
For 7 days through 7 themes, more than 4500 cultural institutions from 100 countries will enter a giant conversation that will span a variety of social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Vkontakt, Youtube, Weibo and WeChat, and a variety of languages such as English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese, Italian, German, Korean…!
This initiative is in line with the actions promoted by UNESCO's 2015 Recommendation concerning the Protection and Promotion of Museums and Collections, their Diversity and their Role in Society.
For its fifth edition, which will be held on April 23-29, 2018, #MuseumWeek will be speaking about life in society, citizenship and tolerance as Culture, Art, Science and Education play a vital role in the development of our societies by forging links between us.
This major cultural event is co-organized by #Unite4Heritage and the french NGO Culture for Causes Network and sponsored by Fondation CHANEL which engages in promoting women in the arts and the advancement of gender equality through art and culture.
Join the conversation!
If you want to know more about the program : http://museum-week.org/english/program/
If you are an institution and want to participate : http://museum-week.org/english/register/