Launch of PASEC 2014 Report by CONFEMEN

Dakar, 07 December 2015

The PASEC 2014 Education System Performance in Francophone Sub-Saharan Africa: Competences and Learning Factors in Primary Education was launched by CONFEMEN on 7 December 2015 in Dakar, Senegal. IICBA Programme Specialist Mr. Mame Omar Diop attended the launching ceremony and participated in the debates during the panel discussions.


Ten countries participated in the International Assessment of PASEC 2014: Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Congo, Niger, Senegal, Chad and Togo.

This assessment measured the level of students' skills at the beginning and end of primary school in language of instruction and mathematics. It analyzed the factors associated to the performance of education systems of the countries evaluated through collecting information from students, teachers, and principals by questionnaires. 

Results of the assessment are presented in the report. The report also gives avenues toward reflection, among which promotion of preprimary education, strengthening of teacher training, and upgrading of teacher status are pledged.

The report pinpointed that a vast majority of pupils do not display the competencies expected in primary schools. 60% of late primary pupils are below the ‘sufficient’ threshold in reading and mathematics. 

Mr. Omar Diop congratulated the PASEC team for achieving this important and useful international assessment with the extension to 10 countries. He also called for specific attention of the different stakeholders and partners to the evidences identified on the need of adapting policies and teacher training programmes to achieve the intended learning outcomes in schools.

IICBA welcomed the release of the data for research and the inclusion of teachers’ assessment in the next round of PASEC evaluation.

The executive summary of the report is available for download now: 

For further inquiries about the evaluation outcomes and access to data for research purposes, please go to the PASEC website: