@GretaThunberg & other young people are demanding urgent#climateaction. They are leading the kind of transformative change needed to drastically reduce carbon emissions to protect our planet & ensure the wellbeing of people#SDGFlotilla#GlobalGoals pic.twitter.com/EoVyq2k83e -
@GretaThunberg. Wonderful to see you & crew come into#NewYork & be met by all the#SDGs in full sail.#ClimateAction is integral to reaching the#GlobalGoals. You have shown the worldthat each person has the ability to affect change for people & planet.
#SDGFlotilla https://twitter.com/gretathunberg/status/1166791436538449922 …pic.twitter.com/0yLMeFnvG6 -
People View all
@GlobalGoals_ERC GLOBALGOALS is an ERC Advanced Grant-funded project investigating the steering effects of the
#SDGs. Led by@FHBBiermann at@UUCopernicus,@UtrechtUni. -
“There is no way we can achieve the
#GlobalGoals without strong partnerships. It’s a work that we have to do together & civil society has a decisive role to play” -@UN_PGA reflects on the@UN Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City.#UNCSC2019pic.twitter.com/7ZIqWkwdSf -
Land, ho!
Wishing a warm welcome to
@GretaThunberg to NYC after her zero-carbon journey across the Atlantic. We can transform our world for better when we take on the#GlobalGoals together! https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1166791436538449922 … -
15 days, 4,800km and 17 Goals. Today,
@GretaThunberg completed a 2-week sail across the Atlantic to raise awareness about#ClimateChange and was welcomed by 17#GlobalGoals sailboats ready for a decade of action to deliver them.#SDGFlotillapic.twitter.com/7Ie408gs9T -
@UN Conference closes with call for greater cooperation between civil society and governments to achieve the#GlobalGoals#UNCSC2019https://news.un.org/en/story/2019/08/1045171 … -
Rest well and know you’re leading generations on
#ClimateAction! Bravissima!#SDGs#GlobalGoals pic.twitter.com/gywaTOF7CZ -
Welcome to NYC
@GretaThunberg! We look forward to seeing you at the@UN#ClimateAction Summit! Climate change is a race we can win. Together, we can and we will address the climate emergency and achieve the#GlobalGoals! https://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1166791436538449922 … -
#GlobalGoals fleet greeted@GretaThunberg today in NYC Harbor to show appreciation and solidarity for her mission to mobilize support for SDG 13 on#ClimateAction and other 16 goals for a better world by 2030. Read more here: http://bit.ly/2L0Hd6w pic.twitter.com/va5csUHAaj -
This is a race we can, and must, win together. Thank you to
@GretaThunberg, and every young activist, for doing all you can. The world is listening.#GlobalGoals#ForEveryChildhttps://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1166791436538449922 … -
Honored to meet Mayor
@jackiebiskupski. Thank you#saltlakecity for hosting#UNCSC2019 and for showing us what inclusive & sustainable cities can look like. We must all play our part to achieve the#globalgoals, and you have inspired us this week.#womeninpowerpic.twitter.com/4OGQ771mrz -
Welcome to NYC
@GretaThunberg! Looking forward to working with you to demand urgent, ambitious#ClimateAction from governments, businesses, individuals and more!#GlobalGoals#SDGshttps://twitter.com/GretaThunberg/status/1166791436538449922 … -
What an inspiring collective effort & a splendid view. Thanks to
@GretaThunberg & all@UN colleagues and partners who delivered this.#SDGFlotilla#GlobalGoals#SDGs#ClimateAction#NYC https://twitter.com/aminajmohammed/status/1166795593576013824 …pic.twitter.com/jx2dRBT42K -
ASEZ carried out a Reduce Crime Together cleanup at Wrigley Park in Paterson, NJ! Thank you to all who came out to support the cause!
#Volunteer#Cleanup#SDGs#GlobalGoals#ActNow#TheFutureStartsHere#ASEZ#ReduceCrimeTogetherpic.twitter.com/kRh701O5xK -
'We, the youth, unite in action against the climate crisis. ... We remain hopeful that united in action, we can build a sustainable future for all.' Join us in a round of applause if you support the adoption of the Youth Climate Compact by acclamation!
#UNCSC2019#GlobalGoals pic.twitter.com/A8Mox66Ly9 -
Addressing the
#GlobalGoals Summit. Still believing that the#ClimateCrisis is the defining issue of our generation.#VoiceForThePlanetpic.twitter.com/oscmuhulqt -
It’s a wrap! The
@UN Civil Society Conference came to an end, with participants stressing the critical role of cities and communities in achieving the#GlobalGoalshttp://bit.ly/32d5JHj
#UNCSC2019pic.twitter.com/KmIDWAV0Y9 -
A heart for business: women farmers turned entrepreneurs in Rwanda Social protection measures boost skills and confidence in smallholder farmers
#TICAD7#GlobalGoals pic.twitter.com/Cx7kPAmjxI -
WFF directors meetings with Representatives of Ghana attending the UN Civil Society Conference, Salt Lake City, Uniting worldwide is the way forward to achieve
#GlobalGoals at#UNCSC2019pic.twitter.com/fnN4ROURxL
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