Inequality is one of the main challenges facing Latin America and the Caribbean and is a constant concern for their governments. This course addresses the current regional landscape of inequalities, warns of its dramatic consequences, and offers transformative strategies that can be designed to improve social policies and public management.
What topics we cover?
Dimensions of inequalities: Have the questions changed in the 21st century?
Knowledge-management for policies: Sources, means and strategies to face inequalities
Transformative paths against inequalities : Towards new knowledge and public action architectures
What will you achieve?
By the end of the course, you will be able to:
- Explore the link between research and public policies against inequalities
- Identify policy tools and strategies against inequalities
- Explore research and policy opportunities against inequalities
The course is design for a wide public engaged in social debate and in public action in Latin America and the Caribbean. It may be of particular interest to policy makers, civil servants, researchers, students, social and industrial action leaders, opinion-makers, activists, and journalists.
This course is developed under the UNESCO MOST Programme (Management of Social Transformation).