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  1. 4 часа назад
  2. 28 авг.
  3. 26 авг.

    UNRCPD helps young delegates of the International Youth Media Summit conduct outreach to educational institutions in the Kathmandu valley. More information ==>

  4. 26 авг.

    Minister of Economic Affairs, Mr. Hammad Azhar also briefed the attandants of the event today.

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  5. 26 авг.
  6. 26 авг.

    Youth can be either engine for growth but if we don't act now, our youth can be hot bed for a disaster. .

  7. 26 авг.

    Great to celebrate & today with - plenty of positive energy! 64% of the population of is under 30 yrs old- we have to make sure they have the skills they need to be active .

  8. 26 авг.
  9. 26 авг.

    The theme of international youth day is transforming education

  10. 26 авг.
  11. 26 авг.

    Individual members mobilize young people in Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda for the

  12. 26 авг.

    Gearing up for celebrations at Aiwan-I-Quaid today. Super excited to see you there!

  13. 26 авг.

    -ын Хөгжлийн Үндэсний Тавдугаар Чуулган зохион байгуулагдаж байна. 8.12 - ОУ-ын Залуучуудын Өдөр 8.25 - Монголын Залуучуудын Өдөр 🎉 Та хаштаг ашиглан өөрийн дуу хоолойг бидэнд хүргээрэй.

  14. 26 авг.


  15. 25 авг.

    It’s Annual !! We invite you to join us ALL DAY, beginning in our early morning celebration at 7:45am!

  16. 25 авг.

    ✨The celebration of in continues! Save the dates! Join our multilingual webinar series to help you organise training The first webinar, held on International , is available at 📺 Join@

  17. 25 авг.

    "Unless old generations are replaced by energetic young minds, the situation of the nation is not going to change" Dr. Madav Prasad Baral [Founder & Principal NIST College]

  18. 24 авг.

    Don’t miss Annual Tomorrow!!!🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  19. 24 авг.

    1.8 million youth cannot be celebrated in just one day. Join the month long tribute and celebrations of young people as leaders of today and tomorrow!!!!!

  20. 24 авг.

    Sights from the at the Federal Polytechnic, Auchi, Edo State Nigeria

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