  1. . & other young people are demanding urgent . They are leading the kind of transformative change needed to drastically reduce carbon emissions to protect our planet & ensure the wellbeing of people

  2. Welcome . Wonderful to see you & crew come into & be met by all the in full sail. is integral to reaching the . You have shown the world 🌍 that each person has the ability to affect change for people & planet.

  3. Personen Alle anzeigen

  4. “There is no way we can achieve the without strong partnerships. It’s a work that we have to do together & civil society has a decisive role to play” - reflects on the Civil Society Conference in Salt Lake City.

  5. vor 10 Stunden

    Land, ho! ⛵️🌊🗽 Wishing a warm welcome to to NYC after her zero-carbon journey across the Atlantic. We can transform our world for better when we take on the together!

  6. Investing in employment is investing in our . This publication addresses how promoting decent jobs for youth in Africa is key to achieving in the continent. Download here 👉

  7. fleet greeted today in NYC Harbor to show appreciation and solidarity for her mission to mobilize support for SDG 13 on and other 16 goals for a better world by 2030. Read more here:

  8. vor 6 Stunden

    WFF directors meetings with Representatives of Ghana attending the UN Civil Society Conference, Salt Lake City, Uniting worldwide is the way forward to achieve at

  9. 15 days, 4,800km and 17 Goals. Today, completed a 2-week sail across the Atlantic to raise awareness about and was welcomed by 17 sailboats ready for a decade of action to deliver them.

  10. Antwort an

    Rest well and know you’re leading generations on ! Bravissima! ⭐️🎉⭐️🎉⭐️🎉

  11. vor 7 Stunden

    Addressing the Summit. Still believing that the is the defining issue of our generation.

  12. vor 7 Stunden

    Unite behind the science Unite behind the Unite behind all who are changing the world 🌍 Welcome Welcome activists Youth Climate and Climate Action Summit We need your ideas and inspiration!

  13. vor 7 Stunden

    Our Back to School fundraiser supports our three partner programs in Haiti. Please read all about their needs and donate what you can → 100% of your donation goes to educating and empowering kids in Haiti 🙏

  14. vor 8 Stunden

    Outcome document is being presented, outlining the transformation from black & white to color.

  15. vor 8 Stunden

    Chair calls for youth adoption of the climate compact.

  16. vor 8 Stunden

    Forward future is encouraging under their care.

  17. vor 9 Stunden

    Welcome to NYC 🗽, ! Looking forward to working with you to demand urgent, ambitious from governments, businesses, individuals and more!

  18. vor 9 Stunden

    Honored to meet Mayor . Thank you for hosting and for showing us what inclusive & sustainable cities can look like. We must all play our part to achieve the , and you have inspired us this week.

  19. vor 9 Stunden

    Here here 👏🏼 to who taught us today a lesson of perseverance and courage! //

  20. vor 9 Stunden

    Buildings in the future will build maintain and recycle all by themselves with Homepod technology @Ecobuild_Now

  21. Welcome to NYC ! We look forward to seeing you at the Summit! Climate change is a race we can win. Together, we can and we will address the climate emergency and achieve the !

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