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In focus


Three men install an automatic weather station in the Peruvian highlands.

Tech4Good: effective partnerships with the private sector and academia

Through close cooperation with the scientific community and the private sector, the SDC exploits the full potential of new technologies for poverty reduction.

Dossier: Tech4Good

Three Peruvian experts roped together walking on a glacier.

Mountains a vital setting for sustainable development efforts

A large number of SDC projects take place in mountain regions and seek to improve the quality of life of people who live there.

Dossier «Mountains»

Symbolic image of a young african girl in front of packed mules in the desert.

Dispatch 2017–2020

The principles, tasks, objectives and focus of Switzerland’s international cooperation are set out in the Federal Council’s 2017–2020 Dispatch to Parliament.

Dossier «Dispatch 2017–2020»

 Symbolic image: sun behind planet earth.

2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

A global framework for sustainable development. The 17 sustainable development goals follow on from the Millennium Development Goals.

2030 Agenda

Online publications

Symbolic image: linking to the blog "FDFA interactive"

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A young african girl holding a laptop and an old man holding newspapers, sitting next to each other.


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