The World Heritage Policy Compendium - a consolidated source of policy decisions made under the Convention - is now online.

The World Heritage Policy Compendium is a collection of policies that have guided the implementation of the World Heritage Convention since its adoption in 1972. It assembles the policies adopted by the World Heritage Committee and General Assembly of States Parties in their decisions, resolutions, and other strategic texts.

The Online Tool functions as an easily accessible and user-friendly database and as a reference to be used in decision-making by the World Heritage Committee, the Secretariat, and Advisory Bodies as well as academic researchers and other World Heritage stakeholders.

The online format provides greater accessibility and therefore enhances usability. It is the most appropriate means to present World Heritage policies in a structured format, displaying their many themes and subcategories in the proposed index. The tool will thus highlight the relationships between policies and thematic areas and facilitate the sorting and referencing of policies.

The Policy Compendium was developed thanks to the generous contribution of the Government of Australia. The Policy Compendium Online Tool itself was developed thanks to the generous contribution of the Government of Korea and compiles all extracts gathered in the World Heritage Policy Compendium, which is to be presented to the 43rd session of the World Heritage Committee in Baku, Azerbaijan (30 June – 10 July 2019).

Policy Compendium Online Tool

The Compendium is a living-document. New policies are continuously created and the Policy Compendium and its Online Tool will be enriched and updated accordingly, to reflect new ideas and decisions made by the Convention’s governing bodies.