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Total Need

This map shows each country's or territory's need for UNFPA support, based on availability of resources and on six indicators Read more >>

Global impact of UNFPA’s support from 2018


unintended pregnancies averted


new HIV infections averted


marginalized girls reached by life skills programmes


lives saved, of which 59 per cent were in a humanitarian context


décès maternels évités


unsafe abortions averted


sexually transmitted infections averted


girls saved from female genital mutilation


UNFPA-assisted safe deliveries in humanitarian or fragile settings


pregnancies and deliveries assisted by UNFPA-supported midwives


per cent of the population that was scheduled to be counted in the 2020 census round and was counted


couple-years of protection for contraceptives procured by UNFPA


women and young people reached with sexual and reproductive health and services


women and girls living with obstetric fistula received treatment


women and girls who were subjected to violence accessed essential services


girls received, with support from UNFPA, prevention and/or protection services and care related to child, early, and forced marriage


girls and women received prevention and/or protection services and care related to female+ genital mutilation


disabled women and girls subjected to violence accessed essential services

People reached with Dignity Kits in 54 countries
UNFPA-assisted safe deliveries in 33 countries
People reached with adolescent sexual and reproductive health services, supplies and information in 36 countries
Safe spaces supported by UNFPA (includes safe spaces for women, girls and youth) in 41 countries
Maternity health facilities/tents/homes operationalized with UNFPA support in 34 countries
Personnel trained on Minimum Initial Service Package for reproductive health in 42 countries
People reached with Dignity Kits in 54 countries
Appeal Country Total people reached with sexual and reproductive health and gender-based violence services
Turkey 174,455
Syrian Arab Republic 123,211
Yemen 106,024
Bangladesh 80,728
Peru 80,000
Lebanon 48,260
Indonesia 32,690
Mali 29,200
Iraq 23,323
Nigeria 18,479
South Sudan 17,500
Ethiopia 14,500
Central African Republic 12,443
Malawi 11,920
Myanmar 11,568
Tanzania, United Republic of 11,389
Jordan 10,000
Libya 9,032
Brazil 8,000
Niger 7,846
the Sudan 7,553
Ghana 6,730
Chad 6,500
Papua New Guinea 6,200
Madagascar 5,930
Uganda 5,843
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 5,600
Philippines 5,341
Kenya 4,808
Burundi 4,127
Ecuador 3,000
Angola 2,435
Afghanistan 2,400
Guinea 2,000
Somalia 1,700
Namibia 1,600
Burkina Faso 1,500
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 1,500
Haiti 1,230
Mongolia 1,100
Mauritania 1,000
State of Palestine 932
Zimbabwe 785
Rwanda 749
Pakistan 747
Eswatini 700
Serbia 655
Sierra Leone 590
Colombia 548
Nepal 350
Côte d'Ivoire 250
Vanuatu 250
Fiji 150
Congo, Republic of the 50
UNFPA-assisted safe deliveries in 33 countries
Appeal Country Nombre de cliniques mobiles
Zimbabwe 324,071
Syrian Arab Republic 200,148
South Sudan 81,320
Chad 79,745
Mali 65,000
Nigeria 64,010
Central African Republic 25,850
Iraq 23,298
Uganda 20,634
Yemen 20,370
Kenya 18,000
Burundi 15,246
Niger 14,576
Tanzania, United Republic of 11,162
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 10,761
Libya 8,240
Ecuador 6,535
Somalia 6,251
Madagascar 5,521
the Sudan 4,130
Bangladesh 3,773
Haiti 3,274
Papua New Guinea 3,200
Pakistan 2,296
Jordan 1,624
Myanmar 1,480
Rwanda 1,415
Angola 965
Guinea 779
Afghanistan 758
Congo, Republic of the 746
Indonesia 168
Mauritania 92
People reached with adolescent sexual and reproductive health services, supplies and information in 36 countries
Appeal Country Number of facilities supported that provided emergency obstetric care to ensure safe birth
Syrian Arab Republic 1,434,829
Chad 688,400
Mali 501,837
Madagascar 288,723
Central African Republic 216,220
Kenya 115,000
South Sudan 68,056
Niger 57,072
Iraq 52,260
Rwanda 43,217
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 37,962
Ecuador 32,676
Jordan 26,955
Tanzania, United Republic of 26,469
Indonesia 25,000
Zimbabwe 24,264
Pakistan 23,561
Myanmar 19,603
Turkey 18,476
Uganda 15,796
Nigeria 12,620
State of Palestine 10,647
Guinea 6,470
Papua New Guinea 6,162
Philippines 5,712
Lebanon 5,500
Ghana 5,147
Afghanistan 3,258
Somalia 2,832
Congo, Republic of the 2,001
Haiti 1,181
Eswatini 700
Angola 400
Colombia 260
Bangladesh 220
Brazil 125
Safe spaces supported by UNFPA (includes safe spaces for women, girls and youth) in 41 countries
Maternity health facilities / tents / homes operationalized with UNFPA support in 34 countries
Personnel trained on Minimum Initial Service Package for reproductive health in 42 countries
Appeal Country Number of facilities supported that provide clinical management of rape
South Sudan 737
Cuba 400
Ecuador 350
Namibia 349
Congo, Democratic Republic of the 289
Colombia 254
Yemen 240
the Sudan 200
Indonesia 200
Nepal 175
Nigeria 165
Burkina Faso 161
Syrian Arab Republic 154
Malawi 150
Côte d'Ivoire 135
Madagascar 125
Papua New Guinea 125
Rwanda 122
Turkey 120
Brazil 117
Guinea 112
Central African Republic 96
Uganda 90
Ethiopia 83
State of Palestine 75
the Democratic People's Republic of Korea 75
Bangladesh 50
Afghanistan 50
Kenya 50
Peru 40
Libya 32
Angola 30
Mali 30
Burundi 29
Jordan 29
Haiti 29
Iraq 25
Philippines 25
Ukraine 25
Somalia 22
Sierra Leone 13
Myanmar 13
  • * Includes services for pregnancy, post-partum care, safe deliveries, STI/HIV prevention, contraceptives and clinical management of rape
  • ** Includes women's and girls' spaces and youth spaces
Last updated on - 27 Juin 2019