Experts |
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Manami ABE - Within the framework of her studies, Manami Abe was responsible for the franco-japanese translation, the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from Japan. |
Constance ARMINJON - Within the framework of her doctoral studies, Constance Arminjon was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from Iran, Syria, Morocco and Koweit. |
Nasim ASKARI - Within the framework of her studies, Nasim Askari was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data in Persian. |
Laura BENEDIKTER - Within the framework of her Master at INALCO, Laura Benedikter was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from the People's Republic of China. |
Nina BORISOVA - Within the framework of her Master in Translation Studies at INALCO, Nina Borisova was responsible for the treatement of bibliographical data from Russian Federation and from Bulgaria. |
Monica BUGLA - Within the framework of her Master II at INALCO (european studies), Monica Bugla was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from Poland and Albania. |
Marie-Pierre BUSSON - Within the framework of her Master in International Public Administration, Marie-Pierre Busson was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from Canada, Sweden and France. |
Giulia CABRAS - Within the framework of her Master, Giulia Cabras was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from the People's Republic of China. |
Elisabetta CANGELOSI - Within the framework of her Doctoral Studies in Anthropology, History and Theory of Culture, Elisabetta Cangelosi was responsible for the treatement of bibliographical data from UK and for the verification of data from Italy. |
Caterina CASTELLUCCI - Within the framework of her Master I at Paris IV- Sorbonne, Caterina Castellucci was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from France and Italy. |
Stefano CENTINI - Within the framework of her Master at INALCO, Stefano Centini was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from the People's Republic of China. |
Yuly CUELLAR TORRES - Within the framework of her Master II - expertise in population and development - University of Paris V - René Descartes, Yuly Cuellar Torres was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data in Spanish. |
Johann DARBAS - Within the framework of his Master HEI at INALCO, Johann Darbas was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from China. |
Anna Dombrowska - Within the framework of her studies, Anna Dombrowska was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from Germany and for the translations of official documents from French to English. |
Ahmed ERRITOUNI - Within the framework of his Master in International Studies, Ahmed Erritouni was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of bibliographical data from Algeria, Koweit, and Jordan. |
Reza ESKANDAR BAYATI - Reza Eskandar Bayati was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from Iran and other Arabic countries. He was also responsible for the creation of the Persan transliteration norms. |
Maria FRAHM - Within the framework of her Master studies, Maria Frahm was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from Denmark and Norway. |
Anna Friis - In parallel to her Master in Arabic Studies, Anna Friis was responsible for the verification of bibliographic data from Sweden and several Arab countries and their integration into the database of the Index Translationum. Miss Friis has also collaborated on updating the website and the translation of official UNESCO documents. |
Julie GACHET - Within the framework of her Master HEI at INALCO, Julie Gachet was responsible for the bibliographical data from Slovakia, Switzerland, Lituania, and Turkey. |
Ariadna GASSIOT MELIAN - Within the framework of the collaboration with Linguamon - House of Languages, Ariadna Gassiot Melian was responsible for the treatement of bibliographical data from Spain. |
Aditi GAUR - Within the framework of her studies in Specialized Masters in Management of Cultural Organizations, Aditi Gaur was responsible for the treatment and transliteration of bibliographical data from India in Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit. |
Laila GHARAVI - Within the framework of her Master, Laila Gharavi was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from Iran. |
Karolina GORSKA - Within the framework of her Master in Translation Studies at INALCO Karolina Gorska was responsible for the treatement of bibliographical data from Russian Federation. |
Mélanie GRASSET - In the framework of her studies at INALCO, Mélanie Grasset was responsible for the creation of Mongolian transliteration norms and for the treatment of the bibliographical data from Mongolia.
Ivo GRAZIANI - Within the framework of his professional education Ivo Graziani was responsible for the treatement of bibliographical data from Sweden and Germany. |
Marta GRZECZKOWSKA - Within the framework of her Master II in Translation Studies at INALCO Marta Grzeczkowska was responsible for the treatement and transliteration of bibliographical data from Germany. |
Yufei GUO - Within the framework of her Master in Linguistic at the University of Paris 3, Yufei Guo was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from the People's Republic of China. |
Ali HAJJI - Within the framework of his PhD in Linguistics, Ali Hajji was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from the Arabian and Persian countries. |
Patrycja HALLADJA - Within the framework of her Master at INALCO, Patrycja Halladja was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data in Russian. |
Jacqueline How Pai - Within the framework of her studies at INALCO, Jacqueline How Pai was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from China and for the translations in Chinese and in charge of communication for the debate on the future of the Index Translationum. |
Svetlana ILIEVA - Within the framework of her thesis at the New Bulgarian University and at the INALCO, Svetlana Ilieva was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from Bulgaria. |
Kim IN-YOUNG - Within the framework of her studies in Linguistics, Kim In-Young was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of bibliographical data from Korea. |
Gizem KABADAY - Within the framework of her Master in International Relations and Diplomacy, Gizem Kabaday was responsible for the transliteration and the treatement of bibliographical data from Turkey. |
Fatima KHOBEIZI - Within the framework of her Master in International Studies, Fatima Khobeizi was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from Arabic countries. |
Hyeon Ju KIM - Within the framework of her doctoral studies in translation, Hyeon Ju Kim was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data in Korean. |
Mehdi KOCHBATI - Mehdi Kochbati was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from Tunisia. |
Valeriya KOTOK - Within the framework of her studies for her Master's in Foreign Language Education at RUNJ, Valeriya Kotok was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of bibliographical data submitted from Russia. |
Natalia KUDERCZAK - Within the framework of her Licence of Foreign Applied Languages and Intercultural Studies at University Paris Diderot - Paris 7, Natalia Kuderczak was responsible for the treatment of the bibliographical data from Germany. |
Mélissa LAI FAT-PANI - Within the framework of her Master HEI at INALCO, Mélissa Lai Fat-Pani was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from the People's Republic of China. |
Cindy LAI KEE HIM - Within the framework of her Master HEI and Chinese language at INALCO, Cindy Lai Kee Him was responsible for the transliteration and the treatment of the bibliographical data from the People's Republic of China. |