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  1. 27 ago.

    TEACHERS: Why is the observation/evaluation viewed as a weapon versus a tool used for growth and development? 🍎🤔

  2. Personas Ver todos

  3. hace 21 horas

    Propósitos para el curso 2019/2020: Sé el profe (o la profe) que siempre quisiste tener 😍

  4. 28 ago.

    La tecnología construye el futuro, la creatividad transforma al mundo

  5. 28 ago.
  6. 27 ago.

    "A human being is like a tree. 🌳 When you are in a bad environment, you narrow yourself and your thoughts. But in a good place, you expand”

  7. hace 19 minutos

    Tan solo me queda decir: Infinitas gracias Señor mi Dios! Oficialmente Magister en Educación con énfasis en Docencia Universitaria @ Universidad Americana

  8. hace 14 minutos

    '14 principios para un enfoque de enseñanza centrada en el alumno '

  9. hace 2 horas

    'Padres conectados para hijos online '

  10. 27 ago.

    ¿A veces se te hace difícil comunicar a los padres y madres de familia sobre un problema con su hijo? Sigue estos consejos de Rebecca Alber para evitar cualquier confrontación. Construye una buena relación con los padres.

  11. hace 18 minutos
  12. hace 44 minutos
  13. hace 1 hora
    En respuesta a

    Maybe you should do some reading. Those are his stats if you were wondering. If you’ll care to look further down you’ll see his stats from the past 3 years.

  14. hace 6 horas

    Impacting the lives of the children Children Vacation Program

    Mostrar este hilo
  15. hace 9 horas
  16. hace 9 horas

    "Education is the vaccine for violence." ~ Edward James Olmos

  17. hace 14 horas

    Great Start to the school, kids are crushing it!

  18. hace 17 horas

    Hello I have joined twitter. Looking forward to being part of the conversation

  19. hace 23 horas

    Grandpa Jim Leeds: long time Ft. Gibson School Board member. Building others up for world-class education when they themselves did not have the privilege of high school education. Living on the shoulders of giants - whether they were recognized as such, or not. =Power

  20. 28 ago.

    All educators should make a positive phone call within the first 10 days of school!!! I made mine today. Have you?

  21. 28 ago.

    Here's an empowering way to view a challenge! (It's more appealing than an 8th cup of coffee...)

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