  1. Day 4 It's a Wrap for 2019. We thank all our teachers for being enthusiastic participants. We appreciate their personal sacrifice toward quality education in Northern Nigeria. .

  2. vor 12 Stunden

    Wenn Hila Limar an Afghanistan denkt, denkt sie nicht zuerst an Krieg. Sie denkt an Gastfreundschaft und farbenfrohe Berge. Und daran, wie man Kindern Zugang zu ermöglichen kann.

  3. vor 12 Stunden

    Education is our priority! A right for every child to enjoy! A common goal A shared vision An equal opportunity for all

  4. Day 4 Creative Elementary Mathmatics training by Activity maths & Legomathics Maths has got to be fun. .

  5. vor 15 Stunden

    After the exhilaration of the zip line it’s time to focus on a patient, repetitive and mindful skills of wood carving and turning ideas into reality. Quality Education.

  6. 28. Aug.

    Fire wood, bark, moss and twigs collected, fire techniques established and bread kneaded. Teamwork to bake various breads on embers. Quality Education

  7. Day 3 Creative Elementary Mathmatics training by Activity based maths, We creat and learn .

  8. Day 3 Creative Elementary Mathmatics training by Creativity, collaboration & critical thinking is key to teaching & learning. .

  9. 28. Aug.

    Encourage all to participate in the on-line consultation by GAML on indicators

  10. 28. Aug.

    Tomorrow 29th Aug 2019 Time 6:50pm-9:00pm at Fairway Hotel,Testimonies and Insight Uganda's vision 2040 concerning Ugandan children sharing achievements, Appreciate corporate companies which have done CRS activities in line with children in Uganda

  11. 28. Aug.

    I love going to school, I love learning, I know Education is important to make me successful in life.........says Mohammed. Kindly help a child back in school this September. With as little as #5,000 you can pay for a child’s school fees..

    Diesen Thread anzeigen
  12. Our founding partners doing amazing things.

  13. 27. Aug.

    1- Be the part of change in a practical way instead of just using keyboard 2- Spread the word 3- Take the responsibility

  14. 27. Aug.

    1- Quality of education (Economy+Equity) 2- STEM 3- Smart approach (use of Technology) 4- Child centric education 5- Feasible language scheme

  15. 26. Aug.

    ; Reflective teaching calls for modifying teaching practices to suit the learning of students, inviting colleagues to observe classes, obtaining feedback from the recipients

  16. 26. Aug.

    Today marked the beginning of stepproject for 2019. It is really an honor to be part of initiatives like this who strive to improve quality of education in Nigeria. Thank you for an opportunity like this.

  17. 1 day to go Teaching in Lowcost Schools and Underserved Communities is a personal sacrifice. We appreciate your sacrifice as a teacher and this is why we do what we do at STEPPPROJECT. .

  18. 25. Aug.

    is the best way to break the cycle of violence and to set a society on the path to peace.

  19. 24. Aug.

    One additional school year can increase a woman's earnings by 10% to 20%. By investing in girls’ education, we can help build stronger, more resilient communities.

  20. 24. Aug.

    Girls enrolled in school are less likely to become pregnant as teenagers

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