Internal Oversight Service
Who We Are
Internal Audit
The Internal Audit Office offers assurance and consulting activity designed to improve UNESCO’s operations. Its services help assess whether existing systems are effective and efficient in mitigating risks to strengthen governance, risk management and internal control. It adheres to the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing and to the Code of Ethics stipulated by the Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA).
Check out our Internal Audit Charter and Policy.
The Evaluation Office is responsible for establishing an effective evaluation system to inform evidence-based policies and programmes and for greater accountability and organizational learning. A network of Evaluation Focal Points strengthens the decentralized evaluation system across the Organization.
Check out our UNESCO Evaluation Policy, UNESCO Evaluation Guidelines and the UN Evaluation Group (UNEG) Guidance Documents.
The Investigation Office examines and determines the veracity of allegations about misconduct or other irregularities affecting UNESCO, its projects, assets or personnel. It is the sole entity within UNESCO responsible for investigating fraud, corruption or other prohibited practices by the Organization’s staff members and vendors. It promotes fraud awareness by identifying and addressing high fraud risk areas and it strives to protect human and financial resources. It is committed to enhance transparency and accountability. Together with the best practices from the United Nations Representatives of Investigations Services (UNRIS), the Uniform Guidelines for Investigations set up the standards by which every investigation is conducted.
Staff members and other personnel have the duty to report any misconduct or breach of UNESCO’s official rules and regulations. A refusal to collaborate, the provision of intentionally false or misleading allegations and interfering with the investigation process constitute misconduct and may result in administrative or disciplinary measures. The Investigation Office accepts reports by all individuals, regardless of their contractual situation with the Organization. As established in the UNESCO Whistleblower Protection Policy, any data communicated to the Investigation Office remains strictly confidential.