Berlin: Bundesministerium für Gesundheit, 2016. 27 p.
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Strategie zur Eindämmung von HIV, Hepatitis B und C und anderen sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen
Germany. Bundesministerium für Gesundheit
The Strategy aims to sustainably contain HIV, hepatitis B and C, syphilis, gonorrhoea, chlamydia, HPV and other sexually transmitted infections. This can improve the overall health of the population by preventing serious related diseases such as AIDS, cancer or cirrhosis of the liver. Undesired childlessness and miscarriages are averted and diseases among newborns prevented. In addition to positive individual and societal effects, preventing infections, as well as early diagnoses, might contribute to a reduction in healthcare expenditure. The Strategy aims to: create an enabling environment which promotes the acceptance of sexual orientations and different lifestyles, which does not make different sexual practices taboo, which promotes communication about sexuality and sexually transmitted infections, and which does not marginalise the people concerned further expanding needs-orientated services for populations at risk and affected, taking various factors and conditions into account that affect vulnerabilities and risk exposure, and considering the wide variances in regional prevalence; developing integrated services which address the different infections and make available coordinated prevention, testing and care services in order to prevent transmission and co-infections and to recognise and treat infections early. Vital importance attaches to testing, which closes the gap between prevention and care; promoting networking and cross-sectoral cooperation in order to reach people in their respective circumstances and to facilitate coordinated, high-quality, integrated prevention, testing and care services; generating and expanding strategic information and data as the basis for the planning and implementation of prevention, testing and treatment interventions
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