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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Health literacy and behaviour change among adolescents in Kibera, Nairobi-Kenya : student artworks

    UNESCO Regional Office for Eastern Africa in partnership with the Ministry of Education (MoE), and with the support of Government of Azerbaijan implemented a project on “Health literacy and behavior change practices among adolescent girls in the Kibera informal settlement” (2014-2016). …

  2. A young peer trainer's guide to provide sexual health and drug-related harm reduction education

    This guide is the result of a series of workshops conducted in 2009 and 2010 by young people in Romania, India, Mexico and Canada. During these workshops, the authors identified gaps in the information young people have regarding sexual health and drug use. They also identified the best ways to talk about drug use and sexual health among young peers. This guide provides information, practical activities, and resources to facilitate youth-led peer trainings. …

  3. Adolescents’ HIV prevention and treatment toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa: workbook for ages 16 - 19 years

    HIV affects everyone, even young people. The activities they will do in this book will help them to: Know more about HIV as a young person; Increase your knowledge about all the different aspects related to being a young person living with HIV, such as testing, disclosing, living positively and treatment; Think about their hopes and goals in life; Think about what makes it hard to achieve these hopes and goals.

  4. Adolescents’ HIV prevention and treatment toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa: workbook for ages 13 - 15 years

    HIV affects all young people. The activities in this book will help them to: Know more about HIV as a young person; Increase their knowledge about all the different aspects related to being a young person living with HIV (YPLHIV) such as testing, disclosing, living positively and treatment; Think about their hopes and goals in life; Think about what kind of obstacles are getting in the way of these hopes and goals; Think about how they can give and get more love and support in their lives.

  5. Adolescents’ HIV prevention and treatment toolkit for Eastern and Southern Africa: workbook for ages 10 - 12 years

    HIV affects everyone, even young people. The activities they will do in this book will help them to: Know more about HIV as a young person; Increase their knowledge about all the different aspects related to being a young person living with HIV, such as testing, disclosing, living positively and treatment; Think about their hopes and goals in life; Think about what makes it hard to achieve these hopes and goals.

  6. Teaching lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender health in a South African health sciences faculty: addressing the gap

    Background: People who identity as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) have specific health needs. Sexual orientation and gender identity are social determinants of health, as homophobia and heteronormativity persist as prejudices in society. LGBT patients often experience discrimination and prejudice in health care settings. While recent South African policies recognise the need for providing LGBT specific health care, no curricula for teaching about LGBT health related issues exist in South African health sciences faculties. …

  7. Celebrating womanhood: How better menstrual hygiene management is the path to better health, dignity and business

    This report details the Celebrating Womanhood: Menstrual Hygiene Management event held in March 2013 to discuss menstruation, a subject which is even now taboo in the higest corridors of funding and decision-making.

  8. Study on menstrual management in Uganda

    This pilot research study on the impact of menstrual hygiene on girls in school is primarily aimed at the Ministry of Education and Sports and the National Sanitation Working Group. Within the context of Uganda, the results of this study will be used to provide evidence-based advocacy on the role of upper primary girls, from the ages of 13-18, whom have started menstruating, with a specific emphasis placed on the issues and challenges that they face at school. …

  9. Do South African learners stigmatize HIV/AIDS infected peers?

    The results of this Brief point to an increased significance of strengthening educational programmes and policies in the schooling sector as South Africa strives to reduce not only the prevalence of HIV and AIDS but also to develop positive learner attitudes among children of school going age. …

  10. Lutte contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA au moyen de l'éducation non formelle dans les communes de Koilokoro et de Banamba en République du Mali

    L'éducation non formelle peut-elle être un moyen de lutte efficace contre la stigmatisation et la discrimination des personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA dans les localités de Koulikoro et de Banamba ? A cette interrogation se rattache une série de questions : Pourquoi les personnes vivant avec le VIH/SIDA souffrent-elles de stigmatisation et de discrimination ? Ce phénomène est-il spécifiquement lié au VIH/SIDA ou est-il le fait des rapports entre une collectivité et une minorité de la société ? …

  11. Zindagi Mile Dobara HIV Treatment Education

    Today, it is possible to live healthy with HIV. Indeed, Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART) has been a significant breakthrough in the struggle against HIV and AIDS. In a major advancement for public health, the Government of India rolled out provision of free ART in 2004, making it available for every person living with HIV. The possibility of treatment brings back a sense of hope, and helps reduce the stigma and fear often associated with HIV and AIDS. …

  12. Política nacional de prevención y control de ITS, VIH y Sida

    La Política Nacional de Prevención y Control de ITS, VIH y Sida es un conjunto de acciones, directrices, lineamientos, disposiciones y procedimientos lógicos y objetivos definidos por consenso y revestidos de legalidad, emanados por el Estado nicaragüense para la conducción de la respuesta nacional a la epidemia de VIH y Sida, afrontándola de forma integral como un problema de desarrollo de grave impacto social y económico. …

  13. Publicidad con equidad: manual de criterios e instrumentos para la evaluación y la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en las campañas del gobierno federal

    El Manual de criterios e instrumentos para la evaluación y la incorporación de la perspectiva de género en las campañas de difusión de la Administración Pública Federal (APF) pretende contribuir a la aplicación de la normatividad - constitucional y de las leyes específicas, lgimh y lgamvlv - con el propósito de que la comunicación institucional de la apf sea libre de elementos, evidentes o encubiertos, que promuevan o aprueben la discriminación o la violencia de cualquier índole en contra de las mujeres. …

  14. Report exploring the link between MSM, homophobia and HIV/AIDS in countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia

    The term 'Men who have sex with men' frequently shortened to MSM - describes a behaviour rather than a specific group of people. It includes self-identified gay, bisexual, or heterosexual men, many of whom may not consider themselves gay or bisexual including transgender populations. MSM presents a topic that many governments and certain individuals would prefer not to talk about and choose to be silent on these issues, failing to acknowledge these behaviours and address them, which unfortunately helps the HIV and AIDS epidemic to grow. …

  15. Universal access from vulnerability to resilience: the Latin American and Caribbean strategic framework for strengthening national responses to HIV for gay men, other MSM and trans people

    This Regional Strategic Framework focuses on three core issues that are of utmost importance for the realization of the MDG 6 in Latin America and the Caribbean: evidence, human rights and capacity. Effective responses to HIV epidemics require robust and reliable information about who is affected by HIV and about what works in prevention and care. Effective responses also require attention to stigma and discrimination, which continue to undermine commitments and responses from both affected populations and community leaders. …


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