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Violence in schools and amongst school children is widespread and impacts educational attainment, health and wellbeing. However, schools also provide opportunities for preventing violence, learning about gender equality and respectful relationships, and even reducing violence at home and in future relationships. …
Each year up to 1 billion children experience some form of physical, sexual or psychological violence or neglect. Being a victim of violence in childhood has lifelong impacts on education, health, and well-being. Exposure to violence can lead to educational underachievement due to cognitive, emotional, and social problems. Because children who are exposed to violence are more likely to smoke, misuse alcohol and drugs, and engage in high-risk sexual behaviour, they are also more likely to endure a range of illnesses later in life. …
This document presents recommended core questions to support harmonised monitoring of WASH in schools as part of the SDGs. The questions map to harmonised indicator definitions of “basic” service and to service ladders that can be used to monitor progress. They are intended for use in national or sub-national facility surveys and census questionnaires. If national and sub-national surveys use the questions and response categories in this guide, it will help to improve survey comparability over time and between countries, as well as harmonise data with the SDG definitions for WASH in schools.
The World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) are responsible for monitoring global progress towards water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) related Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) targets. The global effort to achieve sanitation and water for all by 2030 is extending beyond the household to include institutional settings, such as schools, healthcare facilities and workplaces. This joint report is the first comprehensive global assessment of WASH in schools and establishes a baseline for the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) period.
This document is a report of a training workshop for School Health Education Programme (SHEP) coordinators at national, regional district and school levels and selected head teachers of basic schools. The purpose of the workshop was to provide participants with the skills, background and knowledge to build respect, tolerance and critical thinking among learners. In addition, the objective was to provide practical examples of how they can integrate diversity, anti-discrimination and gender equality activities into lesson planning and delivery.
Este informe presenta la evaluación del Programa de Educación Sexual (PES) realizada durante el segundo semestre del año 2015 y primer semestre de 2016 por la División de Evaluación, Investigación y Estadística (DIEE) del Consejo Directivo Central (CODICEN) de la Administración Nacional de Educación Pública (ANEP), con el apoyo técnico y financiero del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA). …
La brochure est destinée aux différents professionnels qui participent à la vie de l'école. Elle précise toutes les informations nécessaires pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des mesures d'hygiène, indispensables aussi bien dans le déroulement, au jour le jour, de la vie de l'école que dans certaines situations plus exceptionnelles. Ces mesures quotidiennes sont à préciser dans le règlement intérieur de l'école adopté par le conseil d'école. Leur élaboration et leur application nécessitent une étroite collaboration entre les équipes éducatives, les familles et les personnels municipaux.
This report provides a detailed snapshot of how the policies related to sexuality education in Ghana are translated into practice and what students, teachers and heads of schools think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three regions were developed, implemented and experienced. …
This report provides a snapshot of how sexuality education policies in Kenya are translated into practice in secondary schools, and what students, teachers and principals think about them. Data from official documents, key informant interviews and school-based surveys were used to examine how sexuality education programs in three counties were developed, implemented and experienced. …
Connect with Respect: Preventing Gender-based Violence in Schools is a classroom program for preventing school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) in the context of lower secondary schools. It was designed through a collaboration led by the East Asia and Pacific United Nations Girls Education Initiative (UNGEI) SRGBV working group, with participation from Plan International, UN Women, the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). …
This report provides a review of evidence about what works in preventing homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying in schools. This evidence review: - examines existing research about effective initiatives and interventions to prevent HBT bullying in schools, - is conducted by NatCen Social Research, - represents the first stage in the ‘Tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying among school-age children and young people’ study.
This report provides the findings from a qualitative study of ‘What works in tackling homophobic, biphobic and transphobic (HBT) bullying among school-aged children and young people?’. …
This brief lists questions inspectors might explore with primary and secondary pupils as well as with senior leaders in order to tackle homophobic and transphobic bullying at school.
The Department of Education Circular 2013/16 requires every school to have an up-to-date written policy on how it will address the delivery of Relationships and Sexuality Education. This guidance offers advice for schools on how to develop and review their policy.
The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety's Sexual Health Strategy identified Relationships and Sexuality Education as a priority in improving the sexual health and well-being of young people. This guidance highlights the significant role that schools can play in helping and encouraging young people to make informed, responsible decisions about their relationships and sexual health.whole.