UNICEF, 2011. 52 p.
Significant challenges remain in narrowing the gap between beneficiaries and those still missing from the AIDS response. We know children receive life-saving HIV drugs at lower rates than adults; adolescents are less likely to know their HIV status than adults; young people who practice high risk behaviours are less likely than adults to have access to evidence-informed HIV prevention interventions; many pregnant women still lack access to quality maternal, HIV and reproductive health services to prevent vertical transmission of HIV and prolong their own lives; and girls, especially in high burden countries, are more likely to become infected with HIV at an earlier age than boys. Gender and poverty are the themes that underpin many of the determinants of inequity within the AIDS response - and are some of the most reliable determinants of inequity across many measures of health and development. This publication aims to detail a few good practices which address gender and other drivers of inequity, leading to improved results for women and children.
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