Bern: FOPH, 2010. 170 p.
Switzerland. Federal Office of Public Health
The Swiss National Programme on HIV and Other Sexually Transmitted Infections 2011–2017 (known as NPHS for short) sets out to improve the sexual health of the Swiss population. Its legal basis is the Swiss Epidemics Act, and the programme is pitched at efforts against disease. The NPHS is a national strategy for the prevention and also the diagnosis and treatment of HIV and other STI (sexually transmitted infections), including chlamydia, syphilis, gonorrhoea, hepatitis, human papilloma virus, lymphogranuloma venerum and herpes. The programme has four main goals: 1. People living in Switzerland are empowered, through suitable means of sensitisation and education, to insist on their rights in the realm of sexuality (these rights being derived from human rights in general). 2. Effective and innovative measures of behavioural and contextual prevention reduce the transmission risk of HIV and other STI that are relevant for public health. 3. Infected individuals are diagnosed early, treated correctly and in good time and given comprehensive accompaniment to enable them to continue with as high a quality of life as possible. Early diagnosis and correct treatment reduce the consequential harm and longerterm health impairment. 4. HIV and STI work has a lasting effect, because it is accepted by the population, is focused on participation of the target groups and is based on scientific evidence while, at the same time, allowing scope for innovations. What it has to offer is attuned to the needs of the target groups, and these are coordinated amongst one another.
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