Windhoek: Ministry of Health and Social Services. 70 p.
Namibia. Ministry for Health and Social Services
The involvement of non-health sectors in national HIV and AIDS strategies is appropriate to address the causes, drivers and effects of HIV. However, HIV and AIDS sector responses with the full participation of stakeholders have remained a challenge in Namibia. Most sectors are largely unclear about the context of sector responses and their institutional and coordination structures. A mid-term review of the National Strategic Framework (NSF) in 2014 has identified gaps: Only few sectors have developed HIV and AIDS policies, work plans and budgets; Most ministries have not identified dedicated staff at senior level that provide leadership to the sector response; Few sectors have active Sector Steering Committees (SSC); Regional coordination and participation of lead ministries and government agencies in Regional AIDS Coordinating Committees (RACOC) and Constituency AIDS Coordination Committees (CACOC) activities has been poor. Most of them are not aware about their role to serve on these committees; Regional operational plans are often not finalised and many RACOCs don’t utilise the resources they have been allocated; At constituency level, few meetings are held by CACOCs and they are not functional in most parts of the country; In response to this, the Directorate of Special Programmes (DSP) of the Ministry of Health and Social Services (MOHSS) has highlighted the need to support sectors in developing their HIV and AIDS programmes. As a result, these guidelines, referred to as the “Guidelines”, have been produced. They are meant to assist sectors to initiate the process of sector response development, or check existing ones against the proposed approaches. The public works and transport sector, as well as the agriculture, water and forestry sector, are the two sectors that implement sector responses more systematically. Their experiences and practical examples have informed these Guidelines.
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