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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Sistematización de políticas y estrategias del Departamento Salud Sexual y Salud Reproductiva, período 2010-2014: informe técnico

    El presente informe consta de 3 partes: La primera parte: presenta la sistematización y análisis del proceso de elaboración y ejecución de las políticas de promoción de los derechos y de la SS y SR. La segunda parte contiene un Mapeo detallado de las principales estrategias implementadas por el Departamento de SS y SR, donde se presenta una descripción de las principales estrategias impulsadas desde el mismo dando cuenta de sus principales productos y la vorágine de trabajo que ha tenido en el período 2010-2014. …

  2. National behaviour change communication guidelines on HIV and AIDS interventions

    The Behaviour Change Communication Guideline has been developed to guide HIV and AIDS stakeholders in addressing behavior change in line with National Multisectoral Strategy Framework (NMSF 2008-2012). This guide builds on achievements made to date in addressing adoption of best behaviours among the public. It provides guidance to various stakeholders regarding the approaches, interventions and activities that will be undertaken to address HIV and AIDS. …

  3. National HIV prevention strategy 2011-2015: expanding and doing HIV prevention better

    The overall goal of the strategy is to reduce the HIV incidence by at least 30 percent based on 2009 baseline. This will result into 40 percent reduction of the projected number of new HIV infections by 2015, in line with the HIV prevention targets in the National Development Plan and avert about 180,000 new infections over five years. Virtual elimination of vertical transmission of HIV is an integral part of this overall goal. The strategy has five objectives: 1. To increase adoption of safer sexual behaviours and reduce risk taking behaviours. 2. …

  4. National HIV and AIDS strategic plan 2015/2016-2019/2020

    The vision of this NSP is “A Healthy and Productive Population free of HIV and AIDS and its effects” while the goal is “Towards Zero new infections, Zero HIV and AIDS-related mortality and morbidity and Zero discrimination”. To attain the goal of this NSP, it will be implemented under four thematic areas, namely, (i) Prevention, (ii) Care and Treatment, (iii) Social Support and Protection, and (iv) Systems Strengthening. The thematic area of Systems Strengthening includes governance, infrastructure, human resource, financing/resource mobilization, monitoring, evaluation and research.

  5. Vanuatu: sexual and reproductive health rights needs assessment

    The purpose of this SRHR Needs Assessment was to review progress on Vanuatu’s ICPD and MDG commitments to achieving universal access to reproductive health (MDG Target 5B), with particular focus on ensuring Vanuatu citizens’ SRHR are prioritised and maintained through all aspects of service planning and delivery. Areas of focus included access to family planning information and services, and to a range of appropriate commodities to meet the needs of all groups within communities. …

  6. Kiribati: sexual and reproductive health rights needs assessment

    The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Kiribati have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Kiribati, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Kiribati. The SRHR Needs Assessment included a comprehensive literature review and in-country qualitative and quantitative data collection. …

  7. Kingdom of Tonga: sexual and reproductive health rights needs assessment

    The purpose of this needs assessment is to establish the level to which the SRP rights and needs of the population of Tonga have been met and to assess what needs have not been met. This report provides an overview of the existing available sexual and reproductive health services in Tonga, identifies the gaps, issues and challenges that exist and provides recommendations to improve rights based sexual and reproductive health services in Tonga.

  8. Plan national de suivi et evaluation du VIH/SIDA 2016-2020

    Le présent plan national de suivi et d’évaluation s’articule autour des points suivants: chapitre 1: Présentation du système national de suivi évaluation; chapitre 2: Capacités institutionnelles du système national de suivi évaluation; chapitre 3: Cadre global du suivi évaluation.

  9. Evaluation de la réponse du secteur de l'enseignement face à l'épidémie du VIH en milieu scolaire au Togo: rapport d'étude

    L’objectif de l’étude est d’évaluer la réponse du secteur de l’éducation à l’épidémie du VIH en milieu scolaire.

  10. Thailand national operational plan accelerating ending AIDS, 2015-2019

    This Operational Plan has four key components. Section 1 is the Core Plan, which lays out the background and rationale to Thailand’s efforts to End AIDS and outlines key operational objectives and strategic interventions. It sets out key targets and approaches, including how innovation and efficiency will be achieved while delivering high coverage services in a gender sensitive and human rights based framework. Section 2 lays out the approach to costing Ending AIDS in Thailand. …

  11. National strategic information and monitoring and evaluation plan for HIV/AIDS: Thailand, 2012 to 2016

    The purpose of strategic information (SI) is to increase the availability and accessibility of high quality essential data to guide program planning and investment for an effective HIV/AIDS response. The plan measures progress towards achieving national goals and objectives - including Thailand’s commitment to reaching “the three zeros’ of zero new infections, zero AIDS deaths, and zero discrimination - in an effective, efficient and timely manner. …

  12. Nationales Programm: HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017

    Das Nationale Programm HIV und andere sexuell übertragbare Infektionen (NPHS) 2011-2017 beschreibt die Strategie zur Prävention sowie zur Diagnose und Behandlung von HIV und anderen STI. Es basiert auf der gesetzlichen Grundlage des Epidemiengesetzes. Der Schwerpunkt der Strategie liegt auf besonders gefährdeten Gruppen und auf bereits Infizierten und ihren Partnerinnen und Partnern. Die Strategie fokussiert darauf, die Bevölkerung auf die Gefährdung der sexuellen Gesundheit zu sensibilisieren und sie zu deren Erhalt sowie zum Schutz vor sexuell übertragbaren Infektionen zu befähigen.

  13. National multisectoral operational plan (NOP) on HIV and AIDS 2014-2017

    The National Operational Plan (NOP) operationalizes the Extended National Multisectorial HIV and AIDS Framework (eNSF) launched in April, 2014. It presents current and future efforts intended to align existing implementation efforts with the eNSF and establishes a platform for a common understanding in presenting a ‘national work plan’ on HIV and AIDS. This NOP narrative report outlines the process that was involved in compiling the National Operational Plan (NOP). It is accompanied by two CDs containing the NOP Activity Matrix and the NOP Targets. …

  14. Towards ending AIDS in Sri Lanka: a road map

    The road map towards ending AIDS by 2025 consists of strategic directions to be followed in order to achieve the 90-90-90 target set by UNAIDS, namely, that 90% of all people living with HIV know their HIV status, 90% of people with diagnosed HIV infection receive sustainable antiretroviral therapy and 90% of all people receiving antiretroviral therapy achieve viral suppression. These new targets aim to fast-track the national response in the next five years to end AIDS by 2025. …

  15. National HIV monitoring and evaluation plan: Sri Lanka, 2013-2017

    The Monitoring and Evaluation plan describes how the information generation and M&E; system should be run. It is accompanied by an annual costed workplan describing the planned M&E; activities for each year including the strengthening measures to improve the M&E; system identified through M&E; system or data quality assessments. Through strategic Information systems, the programme results at all levels (impact, outcome, output, process and input) will be measured to provide the basis for accountability and informed decision-making at both programme and policy level. …


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