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The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework for the prevention, intervention and elimination of the use of illegal drugs and abuse of legal drugs in schools.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for implementing the policy-related required activities for state education agencies awarded funding under Strategy 2: School-Based HIV/STD Prevention. The intended outcome of these activities is to increase the number of funded states and districts that track policy implementation and educate decision makers on policy solutions. There is a separate document for funded local education agencies, with guidance on implementing their specific 1308 policy-related required activities.
The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for implementing the policy‐related required activities for local education agencies awarded funding under Strategy 2: School‐Based HIV/STD Prevention. The intended outcome of these activities is to increase the number of funded states and districts that track policy implementation and educate decision makers on policy solutions. There is a separate document for funded state education agencies, with guidance on implementing their specific 1308 policy‐related required activities.
Objetivo. Mostrar, a través de un diagnóstico en América Latina y el Caribe, el panorama legislativo y curricular sobre sexualidad y prevención contra el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) en el ámbito escolar, contrastándolo con los comportamientos sexuales reportados en encuestas demográficas y de salud. Métodos. En mayo de 2008 se realizó, con el apoyo del Fondo de Población de las Naciones Unidas (UNFPA), una encuesta a informantes clave en 34 países de la Región. …
Titles from this issue: Associations between peer victimization and academic performance; The biological underpinnings of peer victimization: understanding why and how the effects of bullying can last a lifetime; Cyberbullying: what does research tell us?; Teacher–student agreement on “bullies and kids they pick on” in elementary school classrooms: gender and grade differences; Understanding homophobic behavior and its implications for policy and practice; The influence of psychosocial factors on bullying involvement of students with disabilities; The role of social-emotional learning in bully …
The overall goal of the Care and Support for Teaching and Learning (CSTL) Programme is to realise the education rights of vulnerable children in the SADC region through schools becoming inclusive centres of learning, care and support. The National Support Pack has been developed to guide the Department of Basic Education to mainstream the CSTL Programme throughout all South African schools. It brings together information, best-practice examples, tools and case studies of effective care and support practice in schools. …
This report provides results from the School Health Policies and Practices Study (SHPPS) conducted in 2012. Chapter 1 provides background and introduction to the report. Chapter 2 provides an overview of the methods used in the study. Chapter 3 reports results on health education, Chapter 4 reports results on physical education and activity, Chapter 5 reports results on health services, Chapter 6 reports results on mental health and social services, and Chapter 7 reports results on nutrition services and the school nutrition environment. …
In this booklet you can learn more about the re-entry policy guidelines and what actions you can take to ensure that all children, including young mothers, get their right to education fulfilled.
Research evidence shows that education and health are closely linked. So promoting the health and wellbeing of pupils and students within schools and colleges has the potential to improve their educational outcomes and their health and wellbeing outcomes. This briefing draws on a rapid review approach that provides a broad, succinct scope of the scientific evidence. The complexity of the interrelationships between outcomes makes it difficult to draw firm conclusions about causality. …
Key messages: Universal drug education programmes in schools have been shown to have an impact on the most common substances used by young people: alcohol, tobacco and cannabis. The approaches which appear to be most effective are those based on social influences and life skills, for example Life Skills Training and Unplugged. Interventions which are not drug-specific but focus on children and young people’s attachment to school can also be effective in reducing substance misuse. The Good Behaviour Game is one example of these. …
Drug And Alcohol Advisory Group – Key Recommendations - Increase parents’ and carers’ knowledge and skills about drug and alcohol education and prevention enabling them to better inform and protect their children; - Improve the quality of drug and alcohol education by making PSHE a statutory subject – to enable schools and colleges to promote well-being effectively, and to improve the quality of training for PSHE teachers; and - Improve identification and support for young people vulnerable to drug misuse in schools, colleges and non-formal settings.
Cet outil pédagogique s’adresse aux enseignant-e-s du degré primaire qui prennent en charge des classes d’enfants âgés de 10 à 12 ans. Si la mission principale de l’école est de transmettre des savoirs, celle-ci est également consciente qu’il existe un lien étroit entre la santé et l’acquisition de connaissances. L’école est donc attentive à renforcer les compétences telles que l’estime de soi, l’analyse critique, la résistance à la pression du groupe; le climat de l’établissement scolaire et la réussite des élèves en bénéficieront. …
Com o presente conjunto de textos, a Direcção-Geral de Inovação e de Desenvolvimento Curricular (DGIDC) com o apoio do Grupo de Trabalho de Educação Sexual/Saúde (GTES), nomeado em Junho de 2005 pelo Ministério da Educação, continua o seu objectivo de fornecer aos agrupamentos escolares informações actualizadas sobre os temas definidos como prioritários para a área da Educação para a Saúde. …
La presente Guía para docentes de 4º, 5º y 6º de primaria, junto con la Guía para docentes de 1º, 2º y 3º, y la Guía para fortalecer la gestión escolar con énfasis en prevención, dirigida a los directivos para el trabajo con los colectivos escolares, conforman la serie de materiales denominada: Orientaciones para la Prevención de Adicciones en escuelas de educación primaria. …
La presente Guía para docentes de 1º, 2º y 3º de primaria, junto con la Guía para docentes de 4º, 5º y 6º, y la Guía para fortalecer la gestión escolar con énfasis en prevención dirigida a los directivos para el trabajo con los colectivos escolares, conforman la serie de materiales denominada: Orientaciones para la Prevención de Adicciones en escuelas de educación primaria. …