Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2017. 14 p.
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Projet de déclaration: Partenariats en faveur de la santé et du bien-être des jeunes et des générations futures et Projet de cadre d’action régional
Erklärung (Entwurf): Partnerschaften für die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden unserer jungen und künftiger Generationen und Entwurf eines regionalen Handlungsrahmens
WHO Regional Office for Europe
High-level Conference on Promoting Intersectorial and Interagency Action for Health and Well-being in the WHO European Region: Working Together for Better Health and Well-being, 7-8 December 2016, Paris, France
The Declaration calls the Member States, civil society and international organizations to act urgently to address health inequalities and improve the social and economic determinants of health. The Declaration explicitly recognized the role of schools and preschools in promoting health and well-being for all children and adolescents. It acknowledged that inclusive and equitable education is a key determinant of their health and well-being. “The quality and length of education is important and has effects throughout the life-course, including in determining future employment," states the Declaration. "The preschool and school must be safe, non-discriminatory, and non-violent and act as a setting for promoting health and establishing healthy behavior. Schools have an important role in reducing the number of dropouts and providing children and adolescents with access to key services, including sexuality education and health services. Building literacy, including health literacy, interpersonal and social skills is important to the empowerment and resilience of children and communities, particularly given the social, economic, environmental and demographic challenges facing many countries.”
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