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Simplifying Campaign Creation and Management

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We continually review our tools and products to make them simpler, easier to use and more effective for advertisers. Today, we’re sharing updates to several of our campaign creation and management tools including improvements to Business Manager, simpler feed ad formats and refined targeting options. These changes will not only streamline advertising processes for businesses, but will also create a better experience for people on Facebook.

Improving Business Manager

Millions of advertisers use Business Manager to access business tools, manage accounts and more. Earlier this year, we announced improvements to Ads Manager and Business Manager that empower advertisers to do more in less time. And over the next few months, we’ll be making several updates to Business Manager to help make it easier to use such as a new navigation, improved asset organization and permission management and more. Learn more about these updates here.

Simplifying feed formats

In August, we’ll be updating Page posts and ads on mobile to match the look and feel of the new Facebook design that was introduced earlier this year. This update will include:

  • Shortening visible primary text from seven to three lines, after which people will be prompted to click to view additional text
  • Reducing the maximum media height for photos and videos from a 2:3 to 4:5 aspect ratio


example screenshot - before the update


example screenshot - after the update

These changes will make the appearance of feed ads and page posts more consistent across Facebook’s family of apps, which will create a better user experience and generate longer term value for advertisers.

While these updates will automatically apply to posts and ads on Facebook mobile News Feed within the next month, we recommend advertisers begin to use reduced primary text and shorter media height for feed ads moving forward to deliver the best experience for people.

To learn more about our ad formats, check out our Ads Guide.

Refining our targeting options

Over the past few years, we’ve been reviewing and refining our targeting options. Our goal is to make it easier for advertisers to find and use the targeting options that will deliver the most value and resonate with people. So today, we’re announcing that we will begin removing some options that are outdated or infrequently used by businesses. For example, we’re removing several options related to older song titles, albums or games. These changes will not impact the vast majority of advertisers. However, when possible, we will guide advertisers to options that are similar to ones that have been removed and that should provide comparable performance.

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