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Ce rapport rend compte de l'atelier régional sur la surveillance du VIH organisé à Nairobi, Kenya du 10 au 13 février 1997. Des épidémiologistes, des responsables de programmes sur le SIDA et des spécialistes des sciences sociales y ont pris part. Les participants ont identifié les principales faiblesses des systèmes de surveillance actuels, fait des recommandations pour améliorer ces systèmes dans des domaines précis du suivi et de la collecte de données. Ils ont aussi démontré : 1. L'importance de la collecte de données sur le comportement pour renforcer les données épidémiologiques, 2. De la Production de plans d'action intégrant les conclusions de l'atelier en activités de surveillance à l'échelle nationale et 3. Du renforcement d'un partenariat effectif entre les épidémiologistes et les spécialistes du comportement dans les pays d'Afrique de l'Est.
Cost-effectiveness analysis is an important tool in the priority-setting process of strategic planning. In responding to the HIV/AIDS epidemic, the costs and consequences of initiatives proposed in an HIV/AIDS programme must be made available to decision-makers to make best use of scarce resources.
Sexual specificity is defined in terms of what it means to be a man or a woman in society. Sexual specificity has a bearing on opportunities and the distribution of social roles. Social norms play a part in the spreading of HIV. Whether female, male or young, the contamination risks are determined by social projections on the sexes. Therefore, the social dimension of sex cannot be ignored in prevention.
This handbook for students is the last in a series of three documents designed for educational planners, teachers and students on school health education and the prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs. It includes some fifty-three student learning activities on prevention of HIV/AIDS and STDs. The activities are divided into four units: 1) basic knowledge on HIV/AIDS and STDs; 2) abstinence and postponement of first sexual contact; 3) practicing safer sex; and 4) counselling and support.
Ce guide de l'enseignant est le second d'un ensemble de documents de référence dont le but est d'aider planificateurs, enseignants et élèves à disposer de toutes les informations nécessaires pour l'éducation en matière de SIDA. Ce deuxième module, guide pour la formation de l'enseignant, analyse les méthodes d'enseignement en matière d'éducation pour la santé et donne des détails sur des sujets comme l'éducation par les pairs, la participation de la famille et des parents, l'évaluation des élèves et des informations de base sur le VIH/SIDA et les MST.
This handbook on school health education and the prevention of HIV/AIDS and other STDs is the first in a series of three documents designed for educational planners, educators and learners. Based on a participative methodology, this handbook discusses the main steps in curriculum planning. It also covers aspects of teacher training.
This Sourcebook aims to support efforts by countries to strengthen the role of the education sector in the prevention of HIV/AIDS. It was developed in response to numerous requests for a simple forum to help countries share their practical experiences of designing and implementing programs that are targeted at school-age children. The Sourcebook seeks to fulfil this role by providing concise summaries of programs, using a standard format that highlights the main elements of the programs and makes it easier to compare the programs with each other. …
This handbook is specifically devoted to presenting methods for building culturally appropriate strategies and policies in relation to HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care. The joint UNESCO/UNAIDS Project "A Cultural Approach to HIV/AIDS Prevention and Care" was launched in mid-1998, in relation to the new approach inaugurated by UNAIDS to HIV/AIDS prevention and care. The UNAIDS strategy emphasizes the necessity of giving priority to the multi-dimensional configuration of the issue and to the diversity of its environment, in order to build comprehensive and adaptable strategies and policies.
This think piece highlights the need to protect the education system so that it may also in turn protect. These two perspectives, education a vehicle for reducing the incidence of HIV/AIDS and education itself as being threatened by the disease, are the focus of much of the literature on education and HIV/AIDS. In the past, the education sector itself has focused on its role in prevention; however, it needs to focus more on protecting itself so that it can continue to work on educating others. The authors use the conclusion to highlight a sense of urgency and call the reader to action.
This monograph provides insight into the documentation and publications existing throughout the world on information and education for the prevention of AIDS. This is directed at teachers, specialized educators, social workers and all responsible for educational activities and are facing problems of didactics and pedagogical methods with respect to the prevention of AIDS.
This UNESCO guide is a collection of examples of "best practices" in HIV/AIDS preventive education for African women especially the illiterate and the semi-literate. It is the result of contributions from some twenty coordinators of African women's grassroots organisations, specialists and national and international experts involved in HIV/AIDS preventive education.