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#cocreateDESIGN Festival 2019 in Cape Town Focused on “Inspiring Resilience”

#cocreateDESIGN Festival 2019 in Cape Town Focused on “Inspiring Resilience”

Mon, 02/25/2019 to Tue, 02/26/2019

On 25 and 26 February, Cape Town, UNESCO Creative City of Design in South Africa, held the #cocreateDESIGN Festival, a public design festival inspired by the power of design to co-create a more resilient future for all. The theme, “Inspiring Resilience”, focused on resilient communities and citizen-led solutions for creating thriving cities.

Day 1 was a full day conference, and Day 2 a day of masterclasses. Presenters being from a diverse background, the festival encouraged interaction and engagement to #cocreate a more resilient future. Designers, academics, policy makers, activists, entrepreneurs and citizens were invited to this collaborative public forum to learn, engage, network and empower African cities to be resilient.

The festival is an opportunity to build relationships, deepen knowledge, and spur collective action. It spotlights the ordinary everyday activities, hosts the necessary conversations, and provides skills and information to build stronger and smarter communities and a more resilient future for all. 

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