An example of early-stage interventions comes from Bangladesh, where the importance of targeting children in remote and rural areas in a proactive manner has been understood. A situational analysis identified ten different categories of exclusion-prone children. Based on these findings, the country developed an Action Plan that runs in addition to the traditional educational programs but seeks to enhance the inclusion of such vulnerable populations.
07 Nov 2016
Policy Marker under which document was originally uploaded: Bangladesh: Preventive targeting
Research into individual innovation cases allows for comparisons and generalisations to be made. In 2011, NESTA in the United Kingdom piloted a survey attempting to identify the most important sources of innovation in the national public sector, targeting members of the National Health Service (NHS) and local government organisations. A similar approach was taken by the EU Innobarometer in 2010 and when the two surveys are compared, a broadly similar distribution of innovation sources was revealed. Through the analysis of individual innovation cases, patterns were identified.
25 Oct 2016
Policy Marker under which document was originally uploaded: UK and the EU: Innovation in maturing agendas