Personal health budgets were introduced in England in 2014 (firstly as a pilot scheme) to engage with users of the National Health Service, with long-term conditions and disabilities, and give them greater control, over the healthcare they receive. These personal health budgets seek to place the user at the centre of decision-making and thus allow them to tailor resource allocation to their needs. The user and their healthcare team create a care plan stating their needs, the amount of resources available and their healthcare goals.
31 Jan 2017
Policy Marker under which document was originally uploaded: UK: Personalization to individual needs: Personal Health Budgets
In New Zealand, efforts are being made to tailor policies and associated services to the needs of Māori. This has been done through devolution and decentralization of service delivery to iwi and Māori organisations; the participation of Māori themselves in service delivery and governance; strengthened outreach and communication; and incorporation of Māori culture, philosophy (kaupapa), and language into policy design and delivery. Such a course of action has brought about notable success.
02 Nov 2016
Policy Marker under which document was originally uploaded: New Zealand: Tailoring services to needs and preferences of their beneficiaries