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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Towards comprehensive sexuality education: a comparative analysis of the policy environment surrounding school-based sexuality education in Ghana, Peru, Kenya and Guatemala

    The successful implementation of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) programmes in schools depends on the development and implementation of strong policy in support of CSE. This paper offers a comparative analysis of the policy environment governing school-based CSE in four low- and middle-income countries at different stages of programme implementation: Ghana, Peru, Kenya and Guatemala. …

  2. "It's not normal": sexual exploitation, harassment and abuse in secondary schools in Senegal

    “It’s not normal” documents how female students are exposed to sexual exploitation, harassment, and abuse in middle and upper secondary schools. Based on interviews and focus group discussions with more than 160 girls and young women, the report documents cases of teachers who abuse their position of authority by sexually harassing girls and engage in sexual relations with them, promising students money, good grades, food, or items such as mobile phones and new clothes. …

  3. The 2017 National School Climate Survey: the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer youth in our nation’s schools

    The full GLSEN 2017 National School Climate Survey report includes information on LGBTQ middle and high school students' experiences, including: hearing biased language, from both students and educators; experiences of harassment and assault; anti-LGBTQ discrimination; effects of a hostile school climate on educational outcomes and psychological well-being; and the availability and utility of supportive school resources. This report also examines demographic and school differences in students’ experiences, as well as changes in school climate over time. …

  4. Young persons with disabilities: global study on ending gender-based violence, and realising sexual and reproductive health and rights

    This study contains new qualitative, global research and provides an analysis on the situation of young persons with disabilities concerning discrimination and gender-based violence, including the impact on their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It also provides an assessment of legal, policy and programming developments and specific good practices in service delivery as well as best-standard prevention and protection measures. …

  5. An everyday lesson: #ENDviolence in schools

    Globally, half of students aged 13–15 experience peer-to-peer violence in and around school. This violence has short-term effects on their educational achievement and leaves a long-term impression on their futures. This report outlines the prevalence of violence in and around schools and highlights students’, partners’ and UNICEF efforts to #Endviolence in schools.

  6. Coming of age in the classroom: religious and cultural barriers to comprehensive sexuality education

    This paper elucidates evidence which underscores anxieties and panic about sexuality and sexual behaviour of young people influenced by movements advancing a distinct religious identity, and the implications for advocacy on advancing Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR). Synthesised in this document is evidence from two countries - Bangladesh and India - on Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE), an area of controversy (to varying degree) in both countries. Evidence from each country stem from national studies on the influence of religion on CSE, and are qualitative in nature. …

  7. Youth and HIV - mainstreaming a three-lens approach to youth participation

    This document provides an overview of the latest available UNAIDS data on youth and HIV, including new indicators reported for the first time on consent requirements to access services, access to CSE, and youth participation in the HIV response. …

  8. Bullying: a global challenge requires a global measure

    The rate of bullying among children is a key indicator of children’s well-being and an important marker for comparing global social development: both victims and perpetrators of bullying in childhood suffer across various dimensions, including personal social development, education, and health, with negative effects persisting into adulthood. For policymakers and professionals working with children, high rates of bullying amongst children should raise warning flags regarding child rights’ failings. …

  9. Reducing pregnancy among adolescents

    Across a range of programs, interventions that successfully changed the calculus of costs and benefits of unprotected sexual activity and childbirth delayed pregnancy among adolescents. Some programs directly altered costs and benefits while others shifted perceptions of them

  10. Case study for effective implementation of the integrated school health programme (ISHP): baseline study at Nzululwazi high school and surrounding community

    The Student Partnership Worldwide (SPW) South Africa Trust in partnership with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) leads the Safe Guard Young People (SYP) Programme in three districts in the Eastern Cape. The goal of the SYP programme is to contribute towards the improvement of the Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) status of young people aged 10 – 24, with a special focus on HIV prevention. The Nzululwazi Senior Secondary School forms a special focus of this programme. …

  11. A tool for change: working with the media on issues relating to sexual orientation, gender identity, expression and sex characteristics in Thailand

    A Tool for Change: Working with the Media on Issues Relating to Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics in Thailand analyzes news media coverage of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC), and LGBTIQ identities across media platforms in Thailand. The research found that LGBTIQ people are often represented in the news media inaccurately, stereotypically, or without a clear understanding of SOGIE. The study recommends that a professional code of conduct on reporting SOGIESC issues be developed. …

  12. Les violences sexistes à l’école, une oppression viriliste

    Ce livre est composé de témoignages, recueillis individuellement ou en groupe, et de principaux résultats d’enquêtes ayant permis d’interroger 47604 élèves âgés de 8 à 19 ans. Il s’attache à décrire la violence « ordinaire » en milieu scolaire, sa fréquence, ses caractéristiques et, la manière différenciée – ou non – dont elle touche les filles et les garçons.

  13. Challenges to implementing national comprehensive sexuality education curricula in low- and middle-income countries: case studies of Ghana, Kenya, Peru and Guatemala

    School-based comprehensive sexuality education (CSE) can help adolescents achieve their full potential and realize their sexual and reproductive health and rights. This is particularly pressing in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), where high rates of unintended pregnancy and STIs among adolescents can limit countries’ ability to capitalize on the demographic dividend. While many LMICs have developed CSE curricula, their full implementation is often hindered by challenges around program planning and roll-out at the national and local level. …

  14. Sexual and reproductive health outcomes are positively associated with comprehensive sexual education exposure in Mexican high-school students

    This paper provides evidence of the potential beneficial effects of CSE on attitudes, knowledge, and behaviors regarding sexual and reproductive health among adolescents. In addition, it identifies areas that should be strengthened to increase the positive impact of CSE.

  15. Jamaica’s policy for the school reintegration of school-age mothers. How are we doing and where do we need to go?

    This paper examines the prevalence of teenage pregnancy in Jamaica, the girls most affected, and where and when they are most vulnerable. The paper also discusses the provisions for continuing education under the National Policy for the Reintegration of School-Age Mothers into the Formal School System. It assesses whether the policy is reaching the target group and its effectiveness in addressing access to secondary education for teen mothers.


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