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Reuniones sobre el patrimonio cultural inmaterial (co-)organizadas por el UNESCO

25 elemento(s)

Intangible cultural heritage and sustainable development: Training for facilitators from Europe
01/03-10-2019Plovdiv (Bulgaria)

Jornadas sobre Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial en Paraguay
19/20-08-2019Biblioteca y Archivo Central del Congreso Nacional de Asunción (Paraguay (el))

2019 Elaboración del inventario del patrimonio cultural inmaterial (PCI) de Tongatapu con la participación de las comunidades
12/16-08-2019NUKUALOFA (Tonga)

Elaboración de inventarios comunitarios del patrimonio cultural inmaterial en Viet Nam
05/09-08-2019Ho Chi Minh City (Viet Nam)

Taller de elaboración de planes de salvaguardia del patrimonio cultural inmaterial
04/08-08-2019Cairo (Egipto)

Capacitación de capacitadores sobre el patrimonio cultural inmaterial - Fortalecer la red de capacitadores en África
09/13-07-2019Algiers (Argelia)

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The Living Heritage Entity within UNESCO’s Culture Sector will organize in collaboration with the Regional Centre for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Africa (CRESPIAF), a training for trainers’ workshop in order to strengthen UNESCO’s global network of facilitators in Africa. This workshop will take place from 9 to 13 July 2019 in Algiers, Algeria.
The workshop is part of the Global capacity-building programme for the effective implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. For five days, new network members, accompanied by experienced members, will be prepared for their role as facilitators and familiarized with training materials, so that they can in turn provide training and advisory services to States and communities.
Today, the network is composed of 135 facilitators around the world, of which 47 are in Africa. By including new facilitators, this workshop will not only serve to meet the high demand for capacity-building in Africa but also respond to the challenges in the implementation of the Convention.

Taller de fortalecimiento de las capacidades sobre el plan de salvaguardia del PCI para el desarrollo sostenible en la República de Corea
01/05-07-2019Jeonju (República de Corea)

Taller de elaboración de inventarios del patrimonio cultural inmaterial con la participación de las comunidades
24-06-2019/05-07-2019Beirut (Líbano)

Salvaguardia del PCI y preparación de inventarios con participación de las comunidades - Capacitación nacional de capacitadores
24/28-06-2019Tirana (Albania)

Intangible cultural heritage of the Silk Roads: Identification and Inventorying in Tajikistan
18/21-06-2019Dushanbe (Tayikistán)

Training of National Trainers Workshop on Developing Safeguarding Plan for Intangible Cultural Heritage in Thailand
17/23-06-2019Chiang Mai (Tailandia)

13th Annual Meeting of the South-East European Experts Network on Intangible CUltural Heritage
16/18-06-2019Cremona (Italia)

Community-Based Inventorying of ICH in Armenia
04/07-06-2019Yerevan (Armenia)

Capacity Building Workshop on the Implementation of the Intangible Cultural Heritage Convention in the Solomon Islands
03/07-06-2019Honiara (Salomón)

Expert meeting on intangible cultural heritage in emergencies
21/22-05-2019UNESCO Headquarters, Paris (Francia)

Intangible cultural heritage of the Silk Roads: Identification and Inventorying in Kyrgyzstan
14/17-05-2019Bishkek (Kirguistán)

From Ratification to Implementation: Pacific Intangible Cultural Heritage Workshop held in Nadi
13-05-2019/17-06-2019Nadi (Fiji)

Evento paralelo sobre la Convención UNESCO de 2003 para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial: Oportunidades para los pueblos indígenas
22-04-2019New York (Estados Unidos de America)

Taller de elaboración de inventarios del patrimonio cultural inmaterial con la participación de las comunidades
14/23-04-2019Abu Dhabi (Emiratos Árabes Unidos)

Taller de capacitación sobre desarrollo participativo de inventarios con comunidades.
19/29-03-2019Moroni (Comoras)

Taller sobre inventario basado en la comunidad de la Convención de 2003
03/12-03-2019El Cairo (Egipto)

Information and exchange session on the provisional upstream dialogue for nominations to be examined in 2019 by the Intergovernmental Committee
01-03-2019París (Francia)

Taller de aplicación de la Convención de 2003 para la Salvaguardia del Patrimonio Cultural Inmaterial
20/22-02-2019Beirut (Líbano)

Training on inventorying and technical assistance for setting up an inventory framework
13/17-01-2019Khartoum (Sudán)
