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The 10th Asia Pacific Alliance (APA) Conference and Meetings were held in Penang, Malaysia and brought together a richly diverse group of representatives from 16 different countries. Through workshops and plenary, members and stakeholders discussed this year's theme "Investing in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights for the MDGs: Priorities Leading up to 2015 and beyond". The report contains live links to presentations and provides evidence based information and tools to advocate for sustained access to reproductive and sexual health to achieve the MDGs. …
SAYWHAT hosted its third edition of the female Students conference at Belvedere Technical Teachers' College from the 6th to the 8th of August 2009 under the theme "Strengthening Capacity and Networks on Reproductive Health Rights". 91 female students from 35 tertiary institutions participated and managed to dialogue with female programmers from PSI, SAfAIDS, Action AID, College authorities as well as an Honorable Deputy Minister among others. …
The Symposium "Working on HIV and AIDS in education: System and workplace responses for and by education sector workers" took place in Brussels, Belgium on 2 December 2010. The Symposium was convened by the UNAIDS Inter-Agency Task Team (IATT) on Education and preceded the UNAIDS IATT on Education's members meeting on 3 December 2010. Education International (EI) and International Labour Organization (ILO) co-hosted the Symposium. …
The Arab States Workshop on Capacity-Building and Mobilisation of Resources for HIV and AIDS Programmes was held in Cairo, Egypt , 11-13 February 2008. The workshop was part of the OPEC Fund for International Development/UNESCO Programme on Mitigating the AIDS Crisis in Asia through Education. The Arab States Workshop on Capacity-Building and Mobilisation of Resources for HIV and AIDS Programmes provided participating professionals with tools and means for expanding HIV and AIDS programmes at both regional and national levels. …
This consultation was organized by UNICEF Headquarters and the Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States in collaboration with the Inter-Agency Task Team on HIV and Young People. The consultation focused on experiences in countries with low and concentrated epidemics where HIV infection is concentrated among men having sex with men (MSM), injecting drug users (IDUs), and those who sell sex. …
This report focuses on the experiences of Save the Children in monitoring, implementing and reviewing NPAs in Angola, Ethiopia, South Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique, Uganda and Zimbabwe. Each of the country offices commissioned the documentation of case studies to identify promising practices and challenges around effective implementation of NPAs. This report consolidates these case studies and aims to draw lessons learnt from the various efforts undertaken by the country offices. …
In March 2009, the American University Washington College of Law and the Center for Health and Gender Equity co-hosted a symposium, "Human Trafficking, HIV/AIDS, and the Sex Sector" to explore challenges and present examples of organizations that provide human-rightsbased approaches and partnerships with sex workers. …
This document is an outcome of a process to establish a regional framework defining the key elements of a comprehensive response to HIV among MSM and transgender persons (TGs) in the Asia Pacific Region. Along with UNDP and USAID, this regional process has been supported by WHO, UNESCO, UNAIDS, the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Asia Pacific Coalition on Male Sexual Health (APCOM) and Family Health International. It has involved government sector and community representatives from over 20 countries.
Global health, development, and gender are now understood to be dynamic and interlinked components of U.S. foreign policy. Given the emerging policy and programmatic debates on how these domains are to be integrated to bring about the greatest returns, especially in improving the health and welfare of women and girls, the CSIS Global Health Policy Center hosted a conference entitled "Linkages between Gender, AIDS, and development: Implications for U.S. Policy" on June 11, 2010. …
The regional Consultation was organized to facilitate dialogue among young people and key stakeholders on effective approaches and partnerships for addressing youth Sexual Reproductive Health (SRH) and HIV/AIDS issues, to document promising youth-focused interventions in national HIV/AIDS and SRH programs, and to identify ways of strengthening linkages between SRH and HIV/AIDS services. …
The main objective of the meeting was to bridge the gap between existing HIV testing and counselling guidance and implementation to ensure the human rights protections in the HIV testing and counselling scale-up that are necessary to achieve universal access to comprehensive HIV services. It was hoped that the participants would reach consensus on concrete strategies and specific activities to overcome two types of barriers to ensuring human rights in the practice of HIV testing and counselling: political/systemic barriers and technical barriers. …
Students and Youths Working on Reproductive Health Action Team (SAYWHAT) hosted 60 students from 30 tertiary institutions during its 4th National Students Conference from the 16th to the 18th of December 2009 under the theme "Healthy Students for a prosperous Nation". …
This report is based on a meeting held June 10-11th, 2010, in Washington, DC. …
Le document comprend les présentations faites au cours du séminaire qui a s'est tenu la veille de la 47ème session de la Conférence Internationale de l'éducation (CIE) qui a réuni une dizaine de Ministres de l'éducation et plus de 70 délégués ministériels de haut rang venus du monde entier pour assister à la 47ème CIE. …
The overarching objective of the consultation was to review and synthesize the experiences of young people living with HIV and health workers responsible for providing services for them, including the identification of gaps and obstacles in the provision and use of services, in order to offer practical recommendations on how to improve the health sector response. …