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The Department of Health (DOH) embarked on a Project entitled Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Preventing Adolescent Pregnancy as part of its Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program. The Project generally aims to contribute to the reduction of adolescent pregnancy through behavior change communication strategies. It specifically seeks to promote positive and responsible sexual behavior among adolescents to enable them to prevent early and unintended adolescent pregnancy and its concomitant consequences. …
More than ever, adolescents need help, guidance, and empowerment. This is the main purpose for which the Department of Health invested in the project: “Development of Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for Adolescent Pregnancy.” This initiative essentially aims to contribute to the promotion of positive and healthy behaviors that enable adolescents to avoid too early and unintended pregnancy. This initiative is an integral part of the Adolescent and Youth Health and Development (AYHD) Program of the Department of Health. …
School health programmes as a platform to deliver high-impact health interventions are currently underrated by decision makers and do not get adequate attention from the international public health community. We describe the award-winning Fit for School Approach from the Philippines as an example of a large-scale, integrated, cost-effective and evidence-based programme that bridges the gap between sectors, and between evidence and practice. …
This publication provides an overview of good practices, innovations, and other cross-cutting themes in HIV and AIDS for ASEAN countries.
Emory University, UNICEF Philippines, Plan Philippines and Save the Children Philippines carried out a qualitative assessment of menstruation-related challenges girls face in school. Girls, boys, teachers and mothers at 10 schools in Masbate Province and the National Capital Region were interviewed for their opinions. This report highlights the challenges girls face in school during menses, describes the determinants of these challenges, and outlines the educational and health impacts of these challenges as voiced by the participants. …
WASH in Schools (WinS) fosters social inclusion and individual self-respect. By offering an alternative to the stigma and marginalization associated with hygiene issues, it empowers all students – and especially encourages girls and female teachers. In recognition of the positive impact on girls’ school attendance and achievement, initiatives around the world are addressing adolescent girls’ menstrual hygiene management (MHM) needs through WinS programming. …
This study takes stock of recent developments in a number of South and South-east Asian countries in relation to the issue of sexual orientation and gender identity. It provides a welcome update of positive initiatives from various national human rights institutions, in addressing the discrimination, stigmatization and violations facing individuals and groups who simply wish “to be” what they actually are. These initiatives include research, advocacy, education, public mobilization, and contributions to judicial decisions, laws, policies and other processes to protect human rights.
The Islands of Southeast Asia Network on Male and Transgender Sexual Health (ISEAN) Community Leadership and Advocacy Framework is intended for use as a template for subregional and national advocacy to improve HIV prevention and care among MSM and transgender people. It sets out five Key Domains for Advocacy, provides suggestions for partnerships that would make advocacy more successful and outlines some indicative advocacy strategies. …
The National M&E; System on HIV and AIDS has four major objectives: To create an enabling environment for monitoring and evaluation; To generate accurate, timely, and relevant HIV data; To intensify HIV research and evaluation; To increase HIV response data demand and information use.
There is increasing interest in exploring and addressing the menstrual hygiene management (MHM) barriers facing schoolgirls and female teachers in educational settings. Around the globe, WASH in Schools (WinS) focuses on fostering social inclusion and individual self-respect – and addresses MHM as a key agenda. By offering an alternative to the stigma and marginalization associated with hygiene issues, integrating MHM into WinS empowers all students, and especially encourages girls and female teachers. …
Considering that male involvement in reproductive health is critical to the success of the RH programs, with a positive impact on the health and well-being of women and children, and in line with the country's commitment to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, it is deemed imperative to systematically respond to this issue as well as address their specific reproductive health concerns such as sexual dysfunctions, androgen deficiency, testicular and prostate cancers. Thus, this National Policy and Strategic Framework on Male Involvement in Reproductive Health is hereby formulated.
E-discussion questions included: 1.What do you see as the challenges for young people in accessing services such as HIV testing and how can we overcome this? 2.Given that CAFOD’s HIV prevention approach is to give ‘full and accurate information on all forms on the effectiveness and limitations of all means of reducing the risks of HIV infection’ – what challenges does this lead to when working with young people? What HIV prevention work have you or partners done with young people? 3.Where is the best place for young people to access information on HIV and AIDS? …
This report is a direct follow-up to Global Commission on HIV and the Law: Risks, Rights and Health (July 2012) and the Asia-Pacific Regional Dialogue of the Global Commission on HIV and the Law convened in Bangkok in February 2011. This study identifies the laws that states of Asia and the Pacific have put in place to provide legal protections against HIV-related human rights violations and the lessons learned from implementation and enforcement. …
This study gives an overview of HIV, drug and sexual health education (HDSHE) in the Philippines and analyzes the education sector’s response in six areas: organizational structure; policy, planning and leadership; partnerships, coordination and mainstreaming; program response; monitoring and evaluation; and resource mobilization. …
The Roundtable Discussion on the Philippine Situation and Response Analysis on HIV, Drugs and Sexuality aimed to present and validate the research findings of the Draft Report on the Philippine Education Sector’s Response to HIV, Drugs and Sexuality prepared by the University of the East and commissioned by UNESCO Jakarta. The results of the study will support the strengthening of coordination, implementation and scale-up of a comprehensive education sector response to HIV and be used as a background document for the development of a strategic plan involving all the stakeholders. …