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Drug And Alcohol Advisory Group – Key Recommendations - Increase parents’ and carers’ knowledge and skills about drug and alcohol education and prevention enabling them to better inform and protect their children; - Improve the quality of drug and alcohol education by making PSHE a statutory subject – to enable schools and colleges to promote well-being effectively, and to improve the quality of training for PSHE teachers; and - Improve identification and support for young people vulnerable to drug misuse in schools, colleges and non-formal settings.
This report evaluates current practice in the aspects of health and wellbeing that are the responsibility of all staff and adults who work with learners. It identifies good practice and highlights important areas for further discussion and development. The report comes at a time when Scottish schools are taking forward Curriculum for Excellence and the findings reflect this changing landscape. Curriculum for Excellence provides a strong focus on health and wellbeing. …
In response to the recommendations from the Scottish Parliament’s Health and Sport Committee’s Inquiry into Teenage Pregnancy in 2013, the Scottish Government committed to producing a Teenage Pregnancy and Young Parents Strategy. …
This guidance represents the action and commitment that the Church of England is taking to stamp out homophobic stereotyping and bullying for the children and young people educated in our schools.
This document sets out how we want to build on the key planks of the existing Strategy so that all young people: receive the information, advice and support they need – from parents, teachers and other professionals – to deal with pressure to have sex; enjoy positive and caring relationships; and experience good sexual health; and can access and know how to use contraception effectively when they do reach the stage that they become sexually active, so they can avoid unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). …
The World Health Organisation, amongst others, recognises that adolescent men have a vital yet neglected role in reducing teenage pregnancies and that there is a pressing need for educational interventions designed especially for them. This study seeks to fill this gap by determining the feasibility of conducting an effectiveness trial of the If I Were Jack intervention in post-primary schools. This 4-week intervention aims to increase teenagers’ intentions to avoid unintended pregnancy and addresses gender inequalities in sex education by explicitly focusing on young men. …
This reports’objective is to assess the work directed at reducing unplanned teenage pregnancy and to look at what else can be done to support young people at risk of pregnancy or who have a child very young. The Health and Sport Committee Committee has considered the relationship between teenage pregnancy and poverty, examined the challenges to change in Scotland’s most deprived communities, asked whether services are being effectively delivered, and tried to highlight some initiatives.
The aims of this study were, first, to identify current forms of school-based sexual health services (SBSHS) and school-linked sexual health services (SLSHS) in the UK; second, to review and synthesise existing evidence from qualitative and quantitative studies concerning the effectiveness, acceptability and cost-effectiveness of these types of service, and third, to identify potential areas for further research. The study had two components. …
There is an unrecognised crisis in the education of pregnant schoolgirls and schoolgirl mothers. Girls leaving school due to pregnancy are not reported in official statistics. This has serious consequences in terms of resource allocation and planning of service provision. This article examines how girls are forced out of the mainstream education system because they are pregnant or have given birth. …
This Sex Education Forum guidance is designed to support schools in reviewing and updating their policy on sex and relationships education (SRE). It explains the current requirements for SRE based on legislation and provides a step-by-step process for updating a primary or secondary school SRE policy. The third section explores key issues to be addressed in a SRE policy to help ensure good quality provision.
Evidence shows that good quality Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) helps young people develop and manage their emotional and physical well-being. While they can find out about sex and relationships in many ways – including from friends, TV programmes, magazines and the Internet – school SRE has an important role in presenting balanced, factually accurate and positive information that these other sources may not always provide.
This new guidance developed by the PSHE Association, Brook, and Sex Education Forum supplements 2000 statutory guidance on SRE. This guidance has been produced to help teachers and schools to provide good Sex and Relationship Education (SRE); to offer additional support on new issues not included within existing guidance; and to provide advice which reflects updated legislation, including the Equality Act 2010. …
This paper will help you write your school’s PSHE education policy. The best policies are produced collaboratively by the people who will be affected by them and should be consulted on widely. This consultation should include pupils themselves where appropriate. The completed policy will serve a number of purposes: - To people unfamiliar with the school, it publicly defines ‘what we believe and how we do things here’; - For people working in the school it offers a clear framework for teaching, protocols to follow, and a ‘tool’ that helps to shape decision-making.
This report presents key findings and statistics on the number of people living with HIV, new HIV diagnosis, recent infection and incidence, testing, HIV and STI co-infections, HIV and TB co-infections, quality of HIV care, and HIV and health inequality.
This report is published in response to a request for advice from the Welsh Government in the Minister’s annual remit letter to Estyn for 2013-2014. The report examines the effectiveness of action taken by schools to address bullying, with particular reference to bullying on the grounds of pupils’ protected characteristics (age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex and sexual orientation). The report includes case studies of best practice illustrating how the best practice schools deal with bullying. …