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UNESCO HIV and Health Education Clearinghouse

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  1. Young people’s participation in community-based responses to HIV: From passive beneficiaries to active agents of change

    The objective of this research was to better understand and document community-led interventions that aim to strengthen demand creation and uptake of HIV and sexual and reproductive health services, with a focus on engaging young people as beneficiaries, partners and implementers. The primary audience of this report are donors, technical cooperation agencies and government authorities.

  2. Sero-status of preschoolers and disclosure to schools

    Infants with HIV-infection have longevity due to improved Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART), making many realise their developmental progression which includes access to schooling. However, there is scant information that focuses on disclosure of their positive sero-status to schools and how these children understand and communicate their illnesses. This paper reports on a study of experiences of children affected by HIV and AIDS in Kenya. …

  3. Step up the fight: ending HIV among adolescents girls and young women

    Despite great progress made against HIV globally, adolescent girls and young women continue to be disproportionately at risk of new HIV infections. Urgent action to reduce the risk of adolescent girls and young women to HIV is vital to end the epidemic. This won’t be achieved without addressing the entrenched gender inequalities that exist where these girls and young women live.

  4. Improving lives by accelerating progress towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals for adolescents living with HIV: a prospective cohort study

    Background: Low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) face major challenges in achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for vulnerable adolescents. We aimed to test the UN Development Programme's proposed approach of development accelerators—provisions that lead to progress across multiple SDGs—and synergies between accelerators on achieving SDG-aligned targets in a highly vulnerable group of adolescents in South Africa. …

  5. Plan estratégico nacional multisectorial de VIH e ITS 2016-2020

    La planeación estratégica nacional para el VIH/Sida e ITS en El Salvador se realiza de forma quinquenal, es así como el país, luego de haber evaluado alcances y limitantes del período 2011-2011, diseñó las nuevas líneas estratégicas que darán la pauta para el desarrollo de acciones tendientes a contribuir en la eliminación del VIH, todo a la luz de las tendencias mundiales, las estrategias innovadoras y los enormes desafíos de cara a la sostenibilidad de la respuesta. …

  6. Respuesta al VIH, sida e infecciones de transmisión sexual: Plan Estratégico Nacional 2018-2021

    La Dirección de Sida, ETS, Hepatitis y TBC (DSETSHyT), conjuntamente con ONUSIDA, OPS y UNICEF, conformaron un equipo de trabajo y seguimiento del proceso que incluyó la selección y contratación de dos consultores. Se decidió desarrollar tres planes estratégicos, cada uno con su marco de monitoreo y evaluación: el plan de VIH e ITS; el de hepatitis y el de tuberculosis. El periodo de dichos planes es de cuatro años, entre 2018 y 2021.

  7. Plan stratégique national de la riposte multisectorielle aux IST, VIH et sida 2018-2022

    Le plan stratégique national de riposte multisectorielle aux IST, VIH et sida 2018 -2022 de Madagascar est conçu autour de la vision suivante : « L’accès universel à la prévention, au traitement, aux soins et au soutien à Madagascar est assuré dans un respect strict des Droits Humains ». Cette vision s’aligne à la stratégie universelle de l’ONUSIDA relative aux 90-90-90 pour permettre à Madagascar d’accélérer la riposte au VIH d’ici 2020 afin de parvenir à l’élimination de l’épidémie de sida d’ici à 2030. …

  8. National HIV/AIDS stigma reduction strategy: Stigma and discrimination reduction in the national HIV/AIDS response

    The Nigerian HIV prevalence rate is declining however, stigma indices does not show corresponding decline. Drivers of the HIV epidemic include the structural, contextual and social factors, such as poverty, gender inequality, inequity and poor access to health care, as well as stigma and discrimination and other human rights violations. However, several positive actions have been taken to address stigma and discrimination issues in the country. …

  9. Promoting gender responsive budgeting in the national response on HIV and AIDS in Nigeria

    In 2015, the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) with the support of UNWomen, UNAIDS and UNDP implemented a project titled 'Institutional Strengthening for Enhanced Gender Responsive HIV Response in Nigeria'. The goal of this initiative was to strengthen institutional mechanisms for strategic integration of gender mainstreaming in the national, state level (5 states) and institutional response to HIV and AIDS in Nigeria. …

  10. National strategic framework on HIV and AIDS: 2017-2021

    The National HIV and AIDS Strategic Framework (NSF) 2017-2021 succeeds the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Framework 2010-2015 and the National HIV and AIDS Strategic Plan 2010-2015. This NSF was developed through a highly participatory and consultative process that involved a wide cross-section of stakeholders. Vision of the National Strategic Framework The vision of the NSF is “An AIDS-free Nigeria, with zero new infection, zero AIDS-related discrimination and stigma”. …

  11. Revised national HIV and AIDS strategic framework 2019-2021: Future directions for the HIV/AIDS response in Nigeria

    This Revised Strategic Framework is aimed at supporting the fast-tracking of our national AIDS response by urgently communicating the most essential new findings and providing renewed strategic guidance. It links our new strategic directions to important changes in the institutional and financial mechanisms supporting the AIDS response in our nation.

  12. Liberia national HIV prevention strategy 2017-2020

    The overall objective of this strategy is to stop new HIV infections − in key populations as well as in the general population of Liberia − and keep PLHIV in Liberia alive and healthy. …

  13. National HIV and AIDS anti-stigma and discrimination strategy 2016-2020

    The National HIV and AIDS Anti-Stigma Strategy aims to guide and inform actions and programmes of policy makers, development partners, implementing partners and networks of people living with HIV and other stakeholders towards the reduction of HIV stigma and discrimination, through an evidence-informed strategy by and for people living with HIV, key and other vulnerable populations.

  14. Live life positively: know your HIV status

    On World AIDS Day 2018, HIV testing is being brought into the spotlight. And for good reason. Around the world, 37 million people are living with HIV, the highest number ever, yet a quarter do not know that they have the virus.

  15. iCAN Package: Facilitator's Manual and Workbook. A comprehensive life skills package focusing on HIV, sexuality and sexual and reproductive health for young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and their circles of care

    The iCAN package aims to help address the challenges facing adolescents and young people living in the East and Southern Africa (ESA) region. It has been designed to support young people living with HIV (YPLHIV) and those who work with them, to help them understand their HIV positive status and empower them to plan their lives in ways that protect both their own health and that of others. The package can be used to complement existing materials focusing on sexual and reproductive health and HIV, and other youth-focused packages produced by partners working with YPLHIV. …


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